And you know what? Good for them. (Assuming he didn’t just make up the whole story.)
old profile: /u/antonim@lemmy.world
And you know what? Good for them. (Assuming he didn’t just make up the whole story.)
Perhaps the real right place for the sticker was the drawer all along?
Exactly. Nobody can author, own, or “steal” a joke, a proverb, a riddle, a folk tale, a nursery rhyme, graffiti… Memes are just the digital equivalent of such cultural artefacts.
Nice! I’ll… save this meme.
Sorry for this slightly random remark, but fuck whoever unironically came up with concept of “stealing” memes.
Here’s an another uncomfortable statistic: most of ASOIAF was published before 9/11.
Personally I gave up after AFFC, which I read around a decade ago. The quality of writing had plummeted, and it was increasingly obvious the series is going to take way too long to be finished.
The guy should just give up, relive himself of the duty and the audiences of the frustration, and spend his remaining years peacefully writing Dunk and Egg stories.
clbottomt when the chtopt shows up [imagine this as that popular GIF meme]
it is quite literally named the “land of the blacks” after all that is what Egypt means
Egypt is from Greek and definitely doesn’t mean that. The Egyptian endonym was kmt (traditionally pronounced as kemet), which is interpreted as “black land” (km means “black”, -t is a nominal suffix, so it might be translated as black-ness, not at all “quite literally land of the blacks”), most likely referring to the fertile black soil around the Nile river. Trying to interpret that as “land of the blacks” should be suspicious already due to the fact people would hardly name themselves after their most ordinary physical characteristic; the Egyptians might call themselves black only if they were surrounded by non-black people and could view that as their own special characteristic, but they certainly neighboured and had contact with black peoples. And either way one has to wonder if the ancient views of white and black skin were meaningfully comparable to modern western ones. On the other hand, the fertile black soil most certainly is a differentia specifica of the settled Egyptian land that is surrounded by a desert.
More screenshots are here: https://xcancel.com/p9cker_girl/status/1844203626681794716
What I find odd is that the message that they actually left on the site has nothing to do with Palestine, just childish “lol btfo” sort of message. So I wouldn’t be surprised if these guys aren’t the ones who actually did it, and it’s merely a false flag to make pro-Palestinian protesters look like idiotic assholes.
Came here to post this.
Man I miss the times when Google used to trick us into helping make knowledge more easily accessible to everyone. Now we just train fucking AI for luxury cars.
Not really. Just trying to put things into chronology in my mind. I also don’t remember when The Matrix was supposed to take place :/
huh, I expected the original would be all the way back from the 00’s
I don’t get the impression there are even precise definitions of these generational labels.
And I don’t think they make any sense at all outside of USA and maybe west Europe.
So, uh, what is the difference?
At this point I doubt tankies should be much of a concern. What are they, 1-2% of the potential Dem voter base? I’d sooner worry about the indecisive ones who have seen the performances in the debate.
Tbh if there’s a musician that deserves this sort of comments, Eno is definitely one of the best candidates.
This has to have some weird ass allegorical meaning.
EDIT: So apparently this is a picture from a “Stammbuch” (“friendship book”) by some Ludwig Hetzer, from 1620. The scan of the book can be found here: http://digital.wlb-stuttgart.de/purl/bsz475519329 (at 12 recto; has lots of other fascinatingly weird drawings and miniature paintings).
The lower part of the page seems to be a dedication from a friend in Latin (seems to be referring to a birthday?), and above might be the text (probably a proverb) that explans the image but it’s in Greek and I can barely decipher cursive Greek, much less figure out the meaning. The first word seems to be θεος (god), the last might be διχαζει (divide?).
Tbh just going off my intuition and the themes in other pictures in the book… the woman is poking the man with a stick with a heart-shaped ending, which could symbolise love/sexuality/marriage. So it could be like a caricature/“warning” showing a wife controlling her husband, literally pushing him around through emotional influence.
It looks like Buni, which doesn’t contain captions.