Especially when it could easily be done, like a single page comic without established characters
Especially when it could easily be done, like a single page comic without established characters
So he didn’t bitch at you, just gave you a look?
What did he say? I can’t imagine any sort of bitching that wouldn’t end up with me laughing at them
A+ title!
Enchilada sauce comes in a can, yes
Yes it definitely makes you weird. Turn the brain off and consume the media like a good little sheep (/s if it wasn’t obvious)
Yup, it’s why ASCII has weird characters like “carriage return” and “bell”
Terminals sent keystrokes to the mainframe, and the mainframe sent text back to the terminal. They used modems and serial connections
It’s pretty funny how I’ve seen posts exactly like this one 10-15 years ago, and nothing has really changed that much from a consumer perspective.
It’s just simply cheaper, more reliable, and more convenient to have local storage.
I’ve stripped more internal hex than all other types combined
Wait, there’s am actual meaning to that word?
If it has an HDMI port, it can be a dumb TV. Just don’t connect it to wifi, easy
I got into an internet argument with someone who claimed similar with my usage of “dude.”
In the wise words of a great poet of our generation, “I’m a dude, he’s a dude, she’s a dude, we’re all dudes, hey.”
I still use dude with everyone.
Genuinely: don’t forget. Ask the same question 3, 6, 12, 24 months down the line. The news might change but the need won’t
Finally a level-headed take. The world isn’t ending overnight, it’ll just get shittier
deleted by creator
Probably not. By the sounds of it, it’s “just” traffic court… You’ll be herded into a courtroom with a couple dozen others, and each of you will be called in turn to speak to the judge. Kinda like a pop quiz. You’ll be told your charge and be asked a few questions. If you’re polite and genuine you’ll likely get off easy, since people LOVE to fight back and dig their hole deeper.
Back in high school I was in a similar situation, and basically got it completely dismissed because I was young and it was my first ever infraction.
Yours doesn’t?
The old adage “they don’t make em like they used to” heavily applies to fridges. Our 30 year old fridges in unininsulated garages (one at home, one at a workshop) keep going through all the abuse and neglect, but the 3-5 year old fridge in the kitchen always has problems. Replacing it with a different brand only slightly increased the reliability. I’d foot the electricity bill for peace of mind.