None of these things are wrong. Work on your issues in the present, not the ones in the past.
None of these things are wrong. Work on your issues in the present, not the ones in the past.
Das Ziel der EZB ist Preisstabilität und ist so in den EU Verträgen festgelegt. Um grundlegend etwas zu ändern müsste man wohl aus dem Euro auszutreten.
Grob stimme ich dir schon zu. Was du aber vielleicht vergisst ist, dass große Ausgaben des Staates auch den Wert des Geldes mindern können. Es entsteht ja zunächst kein tatsächlicher Wert in der Welt nur weil der Staat entscheidet mehr auszugeben. Daher ist es nicht ganz falsch Sozialausgaben als Umverteilung zu betrachten. Insgesamt zahlen sich die meisten Ausgaben später auch vielfach wieder aus, aber wie du sagst, die Ressourcen sollten bestmöglich genutzt werden.
Ich würde gerne wissen worauf die hinaus willst. In Deutschland kann die Politik nicht einfach Geld drucken um etwas beliebig zu finanzieren, falls du das meinst. Die EZB ist unabhängig in ihren Entscheidungen. Deswegen müssen doch die Staatsausgaben mit Steuern oder Krediten finanziert werden.
Try wearing a watch
Both could be good if they were more strictly organized into communities or servers and the “all” feeds would lose importance… but unfortunately we are all just a bunch of shitposters and not the intellectuals we pretend to be
For context, do you use Linux or have you contributed to open source?
I don’t get your point at all. I know that you do not say that, but you don’t even have any counter argument.
I don’t get what you try to say with your last paragraph. It sounds like you are worried that the poor 97% of Windows and Mac users are losing something because Linux is rising. Which makes absolutely no sense.
I believe many open source projects that are used by large corporations find a way to make money with that, at least by offering support or consulting or with sponsorships.
There are volunteer projects of which the developer doesn’t profit of but are used by corporations but I doubt they are the “largest” transfer as written in the post.
Nebensächlich, aber Xi ist Präsident. Li Qiang ist Premier≈Kanzler
Do you write 4$ or $4 if you don’t have cents? I really don’t know how you do it in US
what do you even live for if curiosity is not enough of a reason to do something
There are some concepts for hybrid maglev-rail tracks that would at least solve the first point, similar to how rail was electrified over time. It would still be very expensive though.
Recent demonstration
Doesn’t enforcement work by letting competitors sue you if you don’t follow the rules for these things?
Based on the Americans I met, I don’t believe that is generally true. It varies a lot by region and social environment.
Telegram let’s you send 2gb files, and stores them forever. Signal has a 100mb limit.
It also used to be easier to set up on multiple devices at the same time, but I believe that Whatsapp and Signal have improved that by now too.
To me it always seemed like Linus Torvalds is mostly a pragmatist.
Richard M Stallman on the other hand…