Ah yes, the original “eternal september”
Ah yes, the original “eternal september”
Where does this image come from? I’m think of animaniacs…
That doesn’t make it less true, does it?
I don’t know about front paws, but dogs definitely have less control over their hind legs. During agility training, my dog can easily lift one front paw at a time to jump over something, but she’ll never lift one hind leg at a time. She can do it, but not smoothly while running. I guess it’s similar with the way we can’t seperately control our pinky finger very well. If you move it, the ring finger wants to move as well.
Early death is a selling point
Have you found waldo yet?
Yes, just a perk
It’s fine if your work pays for it. That’s why I have Spotify and Notion, for instance… Why would I pass on free stuff?
It’s feasibly if you don’t have to launch 6 rockets to get it up and and going, i.e. if you’ve allready got a regular supply line into space to a permanent space station or a moon station.
If you want to go from London to Liverpool by train, it’ll cost you millions to build the rail and purchase a locomotive. Except it’ll actually only cost you a couple pounds for a ticket, because all that infrastructure is allready in place. Because generations before us invested in all that stuff to supply the mines and the factories.
That they sound like someone who has never had to choose between food or rent… You can usually tell by the way there’s a certain kind of innocence in the way they speak about stuff like personal finance. I could be wrong though. Anyways, I think that’s relevant information to disclose when sharing financial insight anonymously online.
I came to the comments to ask this. Thanks
You can just talk to Jerry. He’s the guy in the grey sedan across your street. If you give him the code word, he’ll give you the package.
You sound like someone who has never had to chose between food or rent
Give them a snickers
It’s a cool bed, but nobody’s gonna shiver your timbers but yourself. Are you willing to pay that price?
Thoughts and prayers
Of course I’ll back the billionaires, because that’s where the knife goes
Haha you got me there XD I’m talking in circles.
My sister started dating someone of 40 when she was 23. That was already a bit of a shock in my family, but it’s okay. I just can’t imagine anyone feeling fine with the situation OP describes. But yeah, it’s probably not technically illegal.
You’re technically correct, but I was counting on a bit of “poetic freedom”. Write as octal, read as decimal.
The post does mention age, not explicitly, but it is what the post is about.
2000 - 1984 = 16
2000 - 1959 = 41
I don’t care about legality, this is borderline predatory and therefor wrong. Maybe they’re still happily married and (without more context) I’m sure OP loves their parents (so would I), but that doesn’t change how I look at this.
I like this. Life isn’t easy though, none of them are. Spend my first life mastering trucking. Was absolutely done with it at the end, but there were fun times too. Went back to college at 33 to start my second life mastering programming. Now I’m about to finish my bachelor and really looking forward to starting a career. I’m convinced that this won’t be my last life, but I haven’t clue what my next life will look like.