I really hope “kid dick” is listed.
It probably isn’t
I really hope “kid dick” is listed.
It probably isn’t
Test Comment: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time
I wonder about the implications of using the power continuously, even once the bowels are empty.
Can I force people to prolapse enough of their asshole to the point of a life threatening emergency?
I guess what I’m asking is whether I can make a trumpet shit our a kidney or two?
Of course I use Linux, why else would I be using Lemmy.
Jesus is a CHRISTIAN.
It’s in the name CHRIST!
OP can you post a picture of it. I’m curious how it could be modified.
For the uninitiated:
I said THEATRE, not movie! It’s a live performance, sheesh.
This is why in electrical trade you’re taught to use your right hand, with your right foot below your shoulder, and left leg out (when doing anything sketchy).
If you do get shocked then the current will travel down the right-side of your body, and out through your right leg.
That’s not to say throw caution to the wind, but some people need to do risky things (that’s why sparkies get paid a lot).
For example, a guy I used to work with had to repair a switchboard at the hospital, which supplied power to the theatre rooms. Time sensitive matter as I’m sure you can imagine.
This guy was a pro, and was wise to take the safety precaution. When it came time to power back on the switchboard, not only did he right-hand/right-foot, he shielded his body and face with the switchboards door panel.
Something inside blew up, and he got his hand burned quite badly. Fortunate for him to be at a hospital. In this case he didn’t need the right-hand/right-foot technique, but if things happened differently, it could have saved his life.
Meanwhile, Coldplay:
“And it was all Yellow”
Mine was Labrynth, Aladin 3 and the George Clooney Batman.
Damn, snails would have been better, since they have shells
Depends where you live. A lot of this stuff can be acquired afterwards.
As an Aussie, firearms are very hard to come across. Also, I’ve never fired a gun before, so I would pick the shotgun because I know my terrible aim would be mitigated somewhat.
Water purifier. Duh.
Fire axe. Utility + weapon.
Tent. I live close to nature, so my game plan is to stock up on nonperishables and go camp for as long as I can, and hope that the zombies have thinned out by the time I need to start scavaging
As long as he pays for the cost of the GPU depreciation.
Who said anything about a park?
I assumed they brought the cow to the bar.
First off, I choose to visualise breastfeeding as I see fit, I even partake in it sometimes. What happens between me and my dog is none of your business.
Second, I’m being hyperbolic for the sake of illustrating the absurdity of it. If someone was milking a cow and drinking it straight from the glass, that’s still just as weird, albeit slightly more comfortable for the consumer.
Adding transports between the cow and the drinker doesn’t change the weirdness either.
Drinking the lactation of a cow is weird, just as weird as drinking platypus milk.
As a vegan, I think this is the way it should be.
Imagine seeing a grown ass man sucking on a titty in public. Weird as fuck, yet, somehow conceivably less fucked up if it was a cow.
Society is a strange mistress.
FYI my savings account earns 4.55% p.a.
Also, I know that the money I’m investing is being used ethically, which helps me sleep a bit better
A lot of what I said applies directly to Australia’s economy (which I’m sure I don’t need to tell you is absolutely fucked).
I salute you. Physical currency is better for businesses and the individual. Paying “convenience fees” (for what should be a public service), should be a crime.
In a parallel reality, I’m paying interest on water which evaporated.
The Human Discharge