It’s like reddit, but I don’t have to feel icky.
given up looking for replacements
Yeah, I didn’t have to worry about speeding in my bug.
When I had a Volkswagen, I called it, “180-60 air conditioning.” Flip it 180° and drive 60 mph.
hot sauce might make it interesting though
Maybe both come from a third, earlier source?
The line stretched all the way back to Terre Haute.
I read a study one time about lawyers who were more likely to offer pro bono work than to do a job when paid lower than their going rate.
You should first just ask the developer(s) of the software if they’ll add the feature. They could say yes.
.selcitra swen lautca gnitsop pots dna ereh ni gnitsoptihs ot peek esaelp ew naC
I zeno problem with his paradox.
should have marked it nsfw
Which end is that going into?
mustard is an interesting choice for lube