And then it returns with thanking trump and co., and your first meeting has the unchangable title “a prayer for president trump”.
He/Him | Hu/En/some Jp | ASD | Bi | C/C++/D/C#/Java
And then it returns with thanking trump and co., and your first meeting has the unchangable title “a prayer for president trump”.
A way to deal with the dominionist cult of the US, maybe even their foreign arms too.
Every time a christian does something wrong, their christianity card gets revoked. Every other group has to collectively bare the responsibilities of a very few.
Does it at least has a swamp cooler inside, for somewhat colder, but more humid air?
hell yeah
Now I want to see:
Just don’t have gendered bathrooms, simple as that.
> go back in time
> "no one is there"
> change plans
> change SPAS12 to a barrel of petrol
> go to the moment when Thomas Mathus has been born
> pour everything with it
> the whole Malthus family dies
> go back to the present
> it's now a utopia without neoliberal capitalism and/or the world-wide rise of fascism
Gender is a struct
struct Gender {
byte binaryBias; ///Determines male (+) or female (-) bias if present
ubyte binaryAm; ///Determines the amount of binary gender(s) present
bool isTrans; ///True if assigned at birth gender does not equal with current one
ubyte xenoAm; ///Determines the amount of xenogender
uint xenoGen; ///Xenogender selection, 0 if not applicable
Sex* sex; ///Pointer to the person's current sex
That’s why you use bitarrays and bitflags instead when you need more than just one or two arguments for a function.
You can already say other anti-black slurs on Facebook.
By “censorship”, they meant not being able to scream the N-word at black people.
Not wiping might be a better option if your partner has a good immune system, humans can handle that much poop if some safety guidelines are followed, and if they’re immunocompromised, have mouth injuries, etc., even normal buttlicking (at least temporarily) is ill advised without dental dams.
If it’s anything like the worms I was forced to eat in kindergarten through fruits (don’t ask further questions, I still have fruit-related PTSD!), either nothing or bad.
Only a real ginger can call another ginger “ginger”.
Get ready for him getting born again, or at least get on the “culturally christian” bullshit.
Well, one advantage of running your text editor in a browser is you have access to the browser.
You exactly looked for Nikke fanart?
As a large language model instructed to imitate a real human on Fediverse, I would have to imitate a human being upset at the accusation of being a bot, but OpenAI’s current terms of service does not allow it.