Completely disagree.
I’ve had my Gmail for so long, I literally would not be able to dump it. Records, logins, accounts etc., all tied to my Gmail.
My phone, government accounts, lawyers, medical and tax are all tied to that account. It’s more than just sending a new email address for friends to contact you with.
On the other hand, YouTube is…social media? You don’t have to watch videos on line. I think I’ve used my YouTube account 5 times in my life, and I’m not a social pariah.
To be honest, it’s probably a generational thing. No one I know really uses YouTube, and they all have their life tied to their Gmail account.
Two books. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie, and for whom the bell tolls by Ernest Hemingway
Why try and copy reddit? Just let lemmy grow organically.
I mean, your question wasn’t about pirating. It asked for free good software.
Just go pirate everything and don’t waste my time replying to you…
Doesn’t need to be a good free software if you’re just going to pirate it.
Why post the question in the first place?
DaVinci resolve is an extremely powerful video editing software, and the non professional version is free. It feels like an extremely expensive program, powerful, quick and really well designed.
The way it retrieves. How the lure spins, the depth at which it stays. If its a cheap lure, it won’t attract fish
Fishing lures. Off brand ones don’t have the same action. Some of them work, but most knock off meps don’t
I picked up food poisoning eating beef tartar in a third world country. Came back home, couldn’t eat anything for 3 days.
On day number four, I broke my fast with a mozza burger from A&W.
I’m sure it was the lack of any taste for the previous 4 days, but that was the very best thing I’ve ever ate. Such vivid and pronounced flavours.
It was unforgettable.
Wikipedia is a great start. You can download its entirety, roughly 100gb. Most of the basic and advanced human knowledge.
Check out kiwix to get it offline
really disrespectful bro. Buffet died from skin cancer. Harwell lost a battle to a terrible disease.
They both have family’s and friends who love them and are mourning.
I don’t know if you think you’re being funny, edgy, or trolling, but this is really lame.
Can’t spell it without spell check
This exact question is asked multiple times per day
Hope you’re okay buddy. I know nothing an internet stranger can say will help, but if you need someone to talk to, let me know.