I’m not “trying” to say anything lol. OP said operating systems. I’m talking about operating systems. Not a pc that is packaged with one.
I’m not “trying” to say anything lol. OP said operating systems. I’m talking about operating systems. Not a pc that is packaged with one.
Exactly. You can buy windows OS standalone without it coming in a package with a pc. It’s rare. That’s why it’s surprising.
Exactly. Which is why it’s surprising to pay for windows OS.
That’s not the point. You’re buying a pc, it comes with it and sometimes costs extra.
This sub is about what’s surprising things people buy. Buying an OS is surprising, because it’s either part of the package deal for a new pc, or you can just use linux.
Uhhhh you answered your own question. Why pay for an OS when it should either be included, or free Linux.
Therefore it’s surprising when people pay for an OS.
Agreed 100%. Be thankful you didn’t read the 2nd book. So ridiculously silly and predictable. To the point of absurdity.
I love sci-fi. Cool unique ideas, terrible execution. These books are so overrated.
You’re busy actively being correct. That’s what you’re doing.
The best answer. It really is that simple LOL.
and/or is very stupid
Yes. We have a rigged system with propaganda and a poor educational system by design. This is very powerful and possibly unstoppable at this point. The main reasons our stupid populous vote against their own interests. They are stupid, but it’s not necessarily their fault. Again, propaganda and education.
This is not an easy problem to solve. Mercing CEOs might be the only option… The whole voting and playing by “the rules” isn’t working. The rich are getting richer, poor poorer, and corruption is becoming even more acceptable and in our faces.
Even in fictional universes that have wizards in space with swords made of light?
I don’t get it. What’s the problem?
It’s not about making big money. These small time landlords still drive up the cost of rents by going with “market rates” and increasing rents over time. They are just “small time greedy”.
Not nearly as evil as large scale landlords obviously, but rare to nonexistent is a landlord who won’t continually raise rent when they don’t need to.
EDIT: LOL you idiots can downvote me all you want it doesn’t mean I’m wrong, because I’m not.
I’ve rented from mostly small time landlords, more importantly I’ve worked with, and currently work with people who buy and own extra rentals as side businesses to rent out. They brag about having tenants pay their mortgage, and I hear their experiences of raising rents to get more money (their mortgage hasn’t changed, they just want more). They both laugh and complain when tenants need things fixed, they delay and try to figure out how to go cheap or “how can I legally place the responsibility on the tenants”.
Decent landlords are a small minority. Most who do this are leaches. Fuck landlords.
Haha puppy dog feet.
I fucking hate python. Fuck your stupid tabs/spaces bullshit.
Exactly. The “love thy enemy” nonsense always got me too:
Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you
Think about slavery in history. Christianity was forced upon slaves in US history. Think about current era people working horrible conditions, factories, sweatshops, whatever. What a CONVENIENT verse for the slave owners.
Just be good, do what you’re told, don’t fight back, and love your enemy (exploiter/persecuter). If you do, promise of heaven like you said.
But if you disobey (commit murder, dare I say of the person exploiting you), infinite and eternal torture and suffering in hell.
Also don’t commit suicide, that’s a sin too so straight to hell if you do.
Its just so fucking obvious.
This is the most important part.
And also they push religion hard which is inherently a system of control for the uneducated and exploited.
You got one too you better go talk to 'em, it wasn’t me though I swear
Does wine cause farts? News to me.