It is perfectly fine that you don’t like the behaviour, but that doesn’t mean the behaviour isn’t valid.
I also think it is strange, but not something detrimental. You subscribe to her account, you get comics and nudes. I don’t see a problem with that, but I can understand if it’s problematic for you due to different surrounding circumstances.
No idea about your specific legal situation, as it heavily depends on where on earth you are.
But what sprang immediately to my mind is that it sounds highly illegal if the manager is indeed right. They knowingly let you do things, which apparently they know you are not allowed to do. In a health care environment, which normally have some kind of control instances.
So regarding the “benefiting you”: have a talk with your old manager about somebody telling the control instances of your profession. Orrrr maybe they could help making the transition easier for you… For example by paying the training for you.