Is this “has seen” or “is really into”?
Is this “has seen” or “is really into”?
Jak 2 fucked my 13 year old brain up.
Having played the first game a little late, I rushed off to spend my savings on the sequel as soon as it came out. I was not ready for the dark turn it took. It was like someone had snuck GTA 3 into a kids game without any one noticing, going from a cute but kind of dirty kids game to a dark city with cars and guns where you could run over people and get into a fight with the cops.
It’s not the news you’re looking for, but you deserve to know about OpenGOAL nonetheless.
It’s a project that aims to revive the programming language that the Jak & Daxter series was written in. They’ve mostly succeeded in porting the first game, and somebody has already made mods for it.
Now port them for real, cowards.
Like I know that this is just spam for a scam game and it’ll get rightly nuked soon, but can I just take the time to mention how delightfully shit a name for a game “teen patti master” is?
You hit the exact right combination between potentially NSFW, useless and confusing.
Kudos, now fuck off.
I think bloodborne holds a lot of reverence because of the themes it portrays. Besides Sekiro, which also has a cult following, all the other Souls games are based in and around medieval fantasy of some sort.
Bloodborne starts in Victorian England with a Van Helsing story and the descends into Lovecraft really fast. For a lot of people, myself included, that’s inherently a more interesting setting than medieval fantasy. People who are into victorian England are really passionate about it, and people who are into Lovecraft are really into Lovecraft.
It’s an excellent game, was a lot of peoples first From Software game, and unlike the majority of big titles from that time period, hasn’t been ported, updated or remastered.
Additionally, out of all the “Souls” games, Bloodborne is still the only one that can’t be played at over 30fps.
Puts on mask pretending to be Sony
“Bloodwha? Whatborne? Never heard this word before in my life. Doesn’t look anything to me”
Ep 45 & 46: Xbox Underground
Ep 92: The Pirate Bay
Both are fantastic.
Steven Seagal fatly going around corners.
Aaaand thats going on my To Listen list.
Kind of hungering for new podcasts right now, and this sounds like one I didn’t know I needed.
Well written.
I think an important concept to introduce is Pulse Width Modulation, or PWM for short.
Normal AC Power coming out of wall looks like a sine wave, in that it smoothly cycles between +110/240V and -110/240V. This means that 50% of the time the voltage is positive and 50% of the time the voltage is negative.
PWM usually deals with signals which are either entirely on or off, with no transiton between them. This way, you can vary the amount of “power” delivered by varying how much of the time the signal is on and how much of the time it’s off.
Dimmers usually modify the sine way in a way that tries to accomplish the same thing, by chopping up the signal to make the effective “on” time be shorter than 50%.
With non-dimmable LEDs, this messes with the AC to DC circuitry in the lamp in the way slazer2au says, because the lamp doesn’t retain enough power between two on-cycles to stay on.
The verticality is absolutely the best part. My biggest gripe with Elden Rings world is that it’s an “open world” game in kind of the same way Ubi games are. Traversal is largely trivial, so you stop paying attention to the map after you’ve reached major areas.
In my opinion, Dark Souls I is also an open world game, but instead of a 2D map all the zones are tangled up together in a confusing but interesting web.
Shadow of the Erdtree brought some of that back by having zones stacked on top of each other to a much heavier degree than the base game, while also segmenting off geographically close regions.
I wanted to be a level designer for a lot of years, so this is admittedly a bit of a soft spot for me, but I absolutely loved having the game world come at you as as a challenge, almost a character to be fought and bested, outside the legacy dungeons.
It is. I still wish it “Politics” would default to WorldPolitics" and USPolitics was it’s own thing, instead of the other version where Politics and News is US stuff and the general topics need the “World” prefix.
They’re slowing creeping in here in Denmark.
There is one around the corner from where I live. It doesn’t display anything but time and temperature (yet), but every time I walk past I secretly hope they’ve fired up the rave machine.
To be fair, its probably pretty hard to stay ahead of the curve when your format is limited to “guy in kitchen / bar makes food / drink from relevant pop culture series / movie”
That said, completely agree on Babish. Dude tried to grow his channel way too aggressively and burned out I think. Went from uploading a main video every week to showing up once a month at most, with regular uploads mostly featuring other people.
He used to be a bulwark against idiocy and koolaid drinkery, advocating for calmness and common sense.
…and then he called Justin Trudeau a Nazi and bought into vaccine skepticism.
What’s left ain’t right.
I knew this!
On the off chance that one of you needs to model an Icosahedron / D20 in CAD, constructing three golden rectangles is often the easiest way to go, as it removes the need for calculating face angles.
"How much will you tip?