I’ve been mocked and had some people outright pretend they don’t understand what I’m saying when I pronounce guanábana correctly.
I’ve been mocked and had some people outright pretend they don’t understand what I’m saying when I pronounce guanábana correctly.
Almost as bad as once every 3 days!
Sorry, that’s not what I see.
Both are measurements of cross-sectional AREA and are defined in terms of square millimeters (mm^2), not mm.
“Ok Boomer.”
But seriously though. After the proliferation of the printing press, I’m willing to bet, someone made the exact same joke about printed books. And I know that the Boomers’ parents made the same joke about television, and their grandparents made the same joke about radio. And this isn’t even really a Boomer joke, it’s a Gen-X joke. I know because my boomer parents actually made this joke about Gameboys and walk-mans before the Internet (or at least convenient portable Internet) was even really a ubiquitous thing. It’s just that Boomers are living longer and are so damn vocal and numerous that they are STILL making this joke, updated for the modern generation.
What technology will gen-Y and gen-alpha lament about in stale memes?
I’m always amazed how some people have no self awareness. They have no concerns for others. And yet if you acted like they did and it affected them they would be so pissed.
Like the person sneaking photos of people in public to ridicule them anonymously on the Internet?
What’s wrong with taking your shoes off before putting them up on the furniture? Seems the polite thing to do so you don’t get snow or mud or whatever other shit is on your shoes on the seat. It’s not like there is someone else using either of those seats opposite at the moment. Maybe you’re just feeling shame about your foot fetish? It’s okay to have a kink about feet, but non-consenting voyeurism is not okay.
So we’re not getting hand milked by 40 cows while getting figged by 3 cherubs.
YYYY-MM-DD is the only non-mental way to write either.
I was only answering your question about why programming a way to parse those common date formats is problematic.
The date is 12/11/2024. Am I talking about yesterday or a day about a month ago?
That’s the joke.
Hedwig sings a song about this myth, Origin of Love.
All baking recipes should be in mass for the dry ingredients and volume for the wet ingredients, definitely NOT weight. Because measuring flour by grams (mass) makes sense, but measuring flour by pounds (weight) is fucking stupid. Lots of people in this thread pretending to be smart by using SI units, but were apparently asleep in class when the teacher covered the difference between weight and mass. If you’re going to get picky about such a trifling difference between a volume of sugar and a certain mass of sugar at least get the details correct.
In the US it must be Springfield because there’s so fucking many of them that they named made a TV show after it.
Stupid sexy autocorrect.
It’s a damn shame that we haven’t built a microwave that actually listens to the pops and stops when the pops slow, just like every bag of popcorn instructs you to do. We’ve got gun shot detectors; you’d think we could build a chip to analyze popping popcorn.
This isn’t an unpopular opinion, just ignorance. You’re used to other systems. Different systems are different, even among the various Linux distributions. Having used mostly Linux and Windows, I too briefly had some culture shock using OSX. Complaining here is like rocking in a rocking chair, it may feel good but it’s not going to get you anywhere.
Let this be a lesson to you then. Checking the logs should be your first troubleshooting step, not installing a variety of distros until one “just works”. Good luck.
Chopsticks. Use them. It takes a little practice, but they are perfect for snacking, especially popcorn. Cheetos are easiest of the chips, but others are possible. No more residue on your finger tips, or the backs of your hands from reaching into the bag. I also switched to chopsticks for things like salads (fruit or vege variety), noodles, and getting olives and such out of jars. Even a good stew or chili can be eaten with chopsticks and a spoon. Now I just need to get better at using chopsticks with my nondominant hand.
Some people get a lot out of sitting very still and clearing their minds completely. Some people get more clarity in motion, while running, rowing, cycling, or walking. There is another way on meditation that involves almost the opposite of a clear mind, where you focus on experiencing and really noticing absolutely everything around you; every breath, birdsong, machine noise, footstep, squirrel chittering, and insect buzzing. Sometimes while focusing on a puzzle or game like Tetris, Sodoku, or a Rubik’s cube, it feels meditative to me. I don’t know if that’s real meditation. But my point is that everyone’s built differently, find what works for you and stop worrying about failing. If you’re trying, you’re not failing.
This video says it both ways I’ve heard. The white people around me pronounce it like the one with the union jack (heavy emphasis on the B), the Spanish speakers pronounce it more like the version with the American flag background (ironic). Most of the other pronunciation videos I could find seem to be made by AI voices and mangle the pronunciation in a myriad of ways. This other video has an actual person speaking well (I can’t speak to the rest of the content of the video).