I know exactly what she’s thinking from that expression.
How unprofessional.
I know exactly what she’s thinking from that expression.
How unprofessional.
In an elevator, or I guess a lift, what do the buttons that select floors represent the ground floor with? A ‘G’? A “0”?
Samsung’s clock application did this pretty well, where you don’t even have a reset count button until you press the button that stops the stopwatch from counting.
I’d imagine we’d see insurance invest money into making offers to providers. They’d refer the patient to a health insurance company instead of negotiating, and in exchange they’d get a large one time payout for a successful referral. This would please investors in the providers, because they’d see short term gains, and it’d please the insurance company because patients would be forced to have insurance again. Everyone (with money) wins!
Well, I never really thought about it until now either. Haha. Though, it was mostly a choice of apathy, since when I’m dead I won’t really care what someone does with them, I only really get to pretend that I will while I’m alive today.
If they’re not charging for my organs that get donated, then that’s pretty cool. I mean, I was given mine for free, so it only makes sense to give them for free when I’m done with them.
Of course, I live in the middle of nowhere, so whether they’ll find someone who can use my stuff before it goes bad is a whole different thing entirely.
It’s good that you were able to find some lungs.
My ID says I am, but I’m not registered anywhere else. Why did I have my ID say it? Because I felt like it that day when I renewed it. That’s literally all there was to it.
Real talk though, I almost don’t think I should be donating my organs. Why should the hospital get for free what they’re going to charge a family hundreds of thousands of dollars for?
Windows has been getting worse and worse all the time. With any luck, as Windows gets worse, interest in Linux will rise on its own. But it’s hard to say what tomorrow brings.
No, it’s better to be honest. The average user isn’t ready for Linux, because Linux is not ready for the average user. I’d never try and get someone to use it if they’re not already interested. I hate that it is this way, but it is. Linux is only really for people who already want to use it. Because if you’re not interested in using it, you’re not going to put forth the time investment to gain the benefits from it. No matter what angle I look at it from Linux is not for the average person.
Your second paragraph says it all. Find out if the user needs to dual boot? The answer is obviously “No” because no matter what they’re using the computer for, Linux is unneeded for them, since they have Windows. There are tangible benefits to using Windows, since it runs their software, meanwhile, you failed to list any real benefits to using Linux for the average user. It’s faster? No, not really, since they’ll be learning how to use it, and even ignoring that, it’s not so much faster that they’ll perceive it anyway. It’s more secure? Not really, Windows is the better choice for the average user in that respect, since it’ll automatically force them to restart the machine every week to install security updates. Main choice of professionals? That’s not entirely true, and even if it were, it’s not relevant, the average user is not a professional. And for anyone who already owns a computer already running Windows, Windows was ‘free’ too.
The only time to have this discussion is if the user is having a PC built, and then the answer is also “No” to Linux, because they’re going to buy Windows anyway, since it’s better for gaming, and that’s the primary reason for someone to build a PC, unless they’re doing a specialized task like video editing, and if they are invested enough into the task to want a PC just for that, they have specialized software that almost always runs only on Windows, and even if it were able to run on either, it’s not my place to alter their workflow.
The real elitist attitude is thinking people need to use Linux in the first place. For me and (maybe) you, it might get the job done, but for my family and friends. It’s better that they use what they’re comfortable with. The main point of a computer is to accomplish tasks, and giving them Linux is a hindrance to that.
Linux is great, but it’s not for everyone, and it may never be.
Because writing has no face, you can’t show writing how much you hate it, because it doesn’t change and has no feelings. Meanwhile an actor does. It’s just stupid emotional stuff.
I feel like this is so they can deny that they fed all the webpages that they cached to their ‘AI’ training datasets later when someone accuses them of that. Now when asked about the copies of webpages that they have they can be like “What copies?” and end the conversation there.
You got a point, if we’ve seen it work there, it can work here.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard of one, and I’m not sure if it’d be profitable. I mean, a lot of elements of theme parks are designed to extract money from parents, and only work because they are there with a child.
How would the adult theme park make money? Expensive entry tickets maybe? We would want to avoid alcohol because we don’t want people acting without inhibitions near all this heavy machinery, plus it’d make cleaning more expensive, and might cause more vandalism. I guess you could not allow re-entry once they leave, to force them to eat inside the park. But that’s about all I can see happening. You could put a nice sit down dining place inside the park though too, because the audience would be more into that sort of thing.
How about the decor, what kinds of thing even appeal to adults? This one is tough. Maybe a western, or dystopian future theme? That could be cool.
Yeah, you’re correct in that assumption.
I’ve only really ever heard of the box outside of someone’s home being called a postbox or mailbox. Despite the fact that both terms also refer to the box at the post office where you can put outgoing mail, there’s just no separate word for them. And I’ve only ever heard of the slot on the house door where the mail is placed being called a mail slot.
Letterbox is a completely new term to me in this context… and I still am not quite sure what it would mean, if not a mailbox. Haha.
You say that, but in the US, if you don’t live in an apartment, your letterbox most likely doesn’t lock or anything like that either. They may as well just be tossing the mail onto the floor.
Come on, they even missed their chance to call it CreateHentAI!