How many players does SuperTuxKart support?
Founder and lead developer at Overclocked Abacus Games
How many players does SuperTuxKart support?
Of course not, don’t be ridiculous.
That’s why you need to keep some arrows around as a distraction.
The US could never win from Denmark. Every tank or plane they destroy, Denmark just rebuilds as they are made from Lego.
Nobody wins a Lego war. You think that unexploded munitions left behind from conventional wars are bad, imagine condemning generations to come to live in a world where you could step on a stray Lego brick at any time.
No. Five pairs and one extra pant. As a spare.
Says the guy wholly owned by the Walt Disney Company.
“I didn’t total my Aztek!”
“I don’t care.”
Probably has a garrote wire and laser cutter.
Given how monotonous Lemmy is with the same topics being posted ad nauseum, I can 100% see why the Reddit moderators would do this.
This is a weapon of war. It is designed to kill the enemy.
They returned to monke.
You must be thinking of someone else, I am not a farmer.
Sedentary Susan.
This is funnier if you read it manga-style.