They had already went down by $400 for other units at the same apartment on the same floor. This was 2020, so covid lowered a lot of prices
They had already went down by $400 for other units at the same apartment on the same floor. This was 2020, so covid lowered a lot of prices
The only way I got that to happen is by putting in my two-month notice and then signing up for the exact same unit when they listed it. Didn’t even have to moveout and they ended up charging us the lower rate for the two weeks between our current lease ending and the new one starting.
Crash the market hard enough and people won’t be able to afford them…
A lot are looking at things like COL increases and one party claims they’re gonna lower prices and lower taxes and they don’t think about all the benefits they get from certain policies that are likely to be reversed and seem to think the biggest government budget is foreign aid, so all you have to do is cut that to solve the problems.
I thought he got famous for anti-semetic jokes he made in his late-20’s.
I think pretty much all conservative communities seem like satire much of the time. Hard to believe they’d actually be posting stuff other than to make fun of whoever made it.
This looks more like suburbs to me than any city I’ve been to.
Just look at any college campus and try to imagine if those tried to function without walking and transit. If anything, cities without walkable spaces aren’t practical. And things like places to sit and tree coverage are essential parts of walkability, especially further south.
Who’s on first?
The Superb Owl. Why does the title mention it, but not show the owl?
The hexbear trans megathread has a lot of general life posting stuff, but it is not a general LGBT+ thing.
People do it even if you are in the left most lane and going the speed you are because that’s what the 10 cars in front of you are going…
They want them to force to sell it to a US company, so the US interests can be forced onto the algorithm…
Maybe 2040 will be the year!
What is the equivalent 1-killer circuits to these?
Also sometimes how having a body feels like.
Most of the time, leg crams are intentional. Not really worried about the few that are unintentional as long as they go away on their own or can be walked out.
Danmachi seemingly popularized the super-long titles and isn’t an isekai.
Or it should be a whole sentence explaining the basic premise of the show.
Remember your forward weekend to move cocks this 2485601