I like Mildred. Such a shame that names go ‘out of date’.
I like Mildred. Such a shame that names go ‘out of date’.
I think names would actually be more meaningful if people picked their own.
I remember as a kid in my area this game was called Toilets.
If you got caught you were a toilet and had to stand with your arm out until someone pushed on it and said ‘flush.’
I miss the toilet game haha
What in the name of diarrhea is this? Someone please just explain like I’m a complete idiot
I don’t wanna be reincarnated. Deep black annihilation plz
Agreed. Men are human beings. She may be smaller and less of a physical threat but she’s also a grown ass adult who should have some basic decency.
Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope. Nope.
Unless I had a gun I pick the mambas. Even then I would want some powerful ammunition.
Gorillas are terrifying. Reptiles are just not. I could just hide in a bathroom and mind my own business. I pick the mambas
I can’t stop laughing lmao
I like that though