Because it’s a quiet news time, with not much happening
I don’t think the Russians that are plowing up undersea cables all throughout the Baltic Sea got that memo.
Because it’s a quiet news time, with not much happening
I don’t think the Russians that are plowing up undersea cables all throughout the Baltic Sea got that memo.
I think you’ll need a bigger patch of skin to actually see the results.
I was more thinking Dave Franco. The smile is definitely on point.
It’s easy to stop smoking! I do it several tines a day!
It looks like there’s also a fence in the foreground and maybe a pathway inbetween, so I don’t think it’s a shared fence.
Kattegat, between Denmark ans Sweden
Our navy is currently holding back a Chinese ship suspected of sabotage of undersea internet cables.
I’m considering it. I’d probably want to know if it works well with Linux first.
.world is bad because of egregious censoring.
Eh, everything points to a mistake. Bitwarden not only rectified it ASAP but also made the switch to GPLv3. The latter is not just something you do to please people, you need to understand the legal ramifications it can have on your business, so it very likely was a change that’s been discussed before all of this.
Can you elaborate on the Plex issues as of late? One of the guys I share my instance with has reported a lot of buffering that I haven’t been able to reproduce.
/ Guitar Solo
If you wanna say “hello shark!” in Danish you’ll say “hej haj!”
Good thing we don’t have sharks in Danish waters otherwise it’ll become pretty awkward when you greet someone at the beach.
Coincidentally last month I got the survey for the first time since I switched to Linux a decade ago.
In Denmark our district heating is so great that we have to import trash to burn at our Combined Heat and Power plants. Bit ironic given that we’re also a market leader on windmills that are supposed to replace plants.
That’s illegal in EU
I call it sand that’s been tortured so much they started doing math.
If you have played less than 2 hours and it is at most 14 days since you purchased it, Steam will refund you with no questions asked.
Well, it bloody hell is! Me not being bothered to get to school in time is also an excuse! It might not be a good excuse, but that wasn’t the question
Usually the fuel cap is on the passenger side according to the country of origin, so for example European = right side, Japanese = left side. It’s not 100% bullet proof but it can eliminate a bit of the guess work if the car doesn’t have an arrow to indicate such side the cap is on.