I understood your objection was with them as advertisements and wasn’t trying to imply otherwise, I just wanted to clarify my own position due to the commonality of criticism of pizzacake for her sex work which, again, I adamantly object to.
you’re probably an idiot. I know I am.
I understood your objection was with them as advertisements and wasn’t trying to imply otherwise, I just wanted to clarify my own position due to the commonality of criticism of pizzacake for her sex work which, again, I adamantly object to.
I appreciate that but I do want to be clear, I do not care if pizzacake has an onlyfans or uses her comics to advertise said onlyfans. I am sex positive, and aggressively pro-sex worker, so I will never disparage pizzacake or anyone else for their sexuality or participation in sex work of any kind.
This is not my objection to pizzacake and I strongly agree with those who rightly call out the criticism of her which boils down to judgement of her for her onlyfans. My issues is with the comic content she makes, how she conducts herself online, and mostly with her army of sycophants.
I personally wish pizzacake nothing but success in her onlyfans endeavors and she deserves to be as free from misogynistic comments wrongfully judging her for her sex work as anyone else.
Your sentiment isn’t different just because you couch it in decorum. I’ve played that game long enough, I’m over it. You are very good at it though, kudos.
This shit is exactly why I don’t what pizzacake’s bullshit here. For some fucking reason if you dare say anything short of “great comic” you are immediately lambasted as some kind of social miscreant who must be motivated by anti-women rhetoric.
You are not allowed to dislike pizzacake comics.
“You don’t have to comment, you can just scroll!”
We’re fucking allowed to discuss content online, even critically.
But not pizzacake. For some reason pizzacake is fucking sacred and if you aren’t actively licking the shit out of her asshole you’re literally the devil.
This is exactly the fucking problem.
Yeah boredom on a slow day at work can’t exist.
And my level of investment automatically invalidates any point I make right? Because that’s how discussions work, discredit and invalidate the arguer rather than the argument.
Cool interaction.
Also “this worked up”, lol.
Just curious, exactly how worked up do you think a person must be to undertake the Herculean effort of making a drive-by Lemmy comment?
Yes clearly this is consuming the whole of my being.
Yeah, passivity in the face of decline has always been the preferable option. Protecting our sacred decorum is so much more important than maintaining a critical eye and standards. Great take.
You’re not wrong. The fact that I’m fighting a knowing losing battle doesn’t make it less meaningful in my eyes, however.
I’ll take my downvotes, but while I agree with the sentiment in this particular comic I have no fucking interest in seeing shitty pizzacake and her no-punchline comics or her army of sycophants here on Lemmy.
I will never understand why some of you insist on bringing the garbage we left Reddit to escape over here to Lemmy. Let pizzacake have her tiny window of microcelebrity on reddit and please spare the rest of us this bullshit.
I want you to know that I am treating your concerns seriously and have been writing a response, but it is already 5000 characters long and I need to eat dinner, so I hope you will allow me the courtesy of replying in time without assuming that I am either conceding or disregarding your comment.
No, you didn’t. You gave a hypothesis and then justified with assumptions, providing absolutely nothing concrete to support them beyond “trust me bro”.
Give me any kind of data to support the claim.
And I have no interest in trolls looking to bait me with insults, so I’ll do us the favor and just block you from my side instead then.
I continue to wait for examples from comparable scenarios that support the claim being made.
I’m sorry, but this just feels naive to me. We aren’t in a simple world with clearly defined teams and easily recognizable allies, and not every well-meaning idea towards progress is going to be a good one. We need to be able to discern viable action from not, and we need to remember that the actual opposition wants nothing more than for us to waste on our time on futile efforts so we’re too fatigued to fight the real fight.
I’m sorry, but some of you need to more realistic and more pessimistic.
No thank you. I’m going to instead continue to rally against treating adults like coddled children and placating them in ways which dis-motivate them from actual collective action by convincing them that they’re already doing collective action. And I’m going to keep criticism bad ideas because good intention alone is not enough. I don’t give a shit about making people feel good or participating in the latest fun leftist trend, I care about meaningful impact.
Feel free to block me if your find your feathers unable to be unruffled.
Show me the impact. Give me examples of comparable protests and show me the real world verifiable and measurable impact which they have resulted in.
My argument is that the scope and scale of this protest renders it moot. These are real factors.
And paying your monthly rent with established due dates is non-comparable to additional discretionary spending which is tracked in market quarters. Not to mention the fact that tons of us have had to give our landlords rent checks late tons of time before and the overall impact is the goddamn same.
So again, show me the relevant example of comparable impact and I’ll concede. Otherwise, I’m going to keep rightly telling you that your performative protest is about your own feelings rather than any actual impact.
I’m looking at things like this through the lens of: There are people who want to start doing something. This is something. It’s a start, for someone, maybe a lot - not an end.
It’s not though. It’s the illusion of a start. Hell it doesn’t even encourage collectivism because it is an entirely individual and isolationist protest. You make no connections, you further no interests, you do literally nothing aside from pat yourself on the back for participating in a viral trend.
Yes, no shit you can’t cross the English Channel without getting your feet wet, but dipping your toes in from the shore is never swimming. That the two both take place on the beach does not make them equivalent.
My point remains that we gain nothing by coddling adults like children and telling them they’re doing good works when they aren’t. We’re past playtime; this is grown up time. Either put on your big boy pants and come to the table or shut the fuck up because all you’re (I’m speaking in generalities here, not about “you” personally) doing is muddying the waters and distracting from real efforts and making people feel like they’re already doing the necessary actions that they just simply aren’t.
Literally any action is better, and again, just because an idea has good intention doesn’t make it beyond criticism. Acknowledging and discussing the reality isn’t “shitting on” something, and the suggestion that it is is driving towards ignorance that benefits noone.
Furthermore, I don’t need to know how to repair a roof to identify a leak. Instead of trying to fight my suggestion that this is meaningless, why don’t you try instead to prove with any kind of verifiable reasoning or evidence that this protest will be impactful. Give me some kind of source that supports this idea that doesn’t fall down to “I think” or “it might.”
You guys are the ones making the claim here - that this protest is viable. Fucking back it up.
This reminds me of the proliferation of content creators who make content advising content creators. Like if you had the tips for success wouldn’t you just be successful rather than barely scraping by? It feels like there are more of these content coaches than non-coach content creators these days