The name “lineage” is because it’s a “descendant” of cyanogenmod, not because it’s intended for older phones
Roman Dmitrievič Protasevič è stato arrestato dalla dittatura bielorussa dopo che il suo volo civile Europeo è stato dirottato e costretto ad atterrare da caccia militari bielorussi. Per non dimenticare il suo nome e quanto accaduto.
The name “lineage” is because it’s a “descendant” of cyanogenmod, not because it’s intended for older phones
Phones in India can be bought for near 50$, and that provide everything a common citizen (and I mean mandatory government app and messaging) need. And 50$ still isn’t cheap for most of the population. It’s a totally different economy than usa
I miss those comics. I know the author is a shitty human, but his strips were great
I really don’t understand all those posts: I use nginx, apparmor, partially even modsecurity, I use collabora office official debian package, face recognition, email, update regularly (waiting for major upgrades for every app I use to be updated), etc. and literally never had a problem in the last 5 years except for my own experiment. True, only 5 people use my instance, but Nextcloud is rock solid for me
Ublock is awesome, but it can’t block first party from analyze, sell and use your data for anything out of your control. Use a fake account, a VPN and/or tor browser to isolate your identities. Stopping ads isn’t enough to stop exploitation of your data
Imho it’s marketing. The game is bad, writing is bad, gameplay is boring after a while, it seems (except for technical optimization) the game itself is a big mobile game. The “woke criticism” is exploited by ea to sell more, since it create engagement and hide the real flaws of the game