As far as I can tell from a cursory Google search is the original said “Russian neighbors”
As far as I can tell from a cursory Google search is the original said “Russian neighbors”
I will also say it’s hard to choose. I suppose it really depends on my mood or feelings at the time. However that being said, Pod People is the most memorable to me, followed extremely closely by Cavé Dwellers.
Oh man, my family loved Super Solvers Midnight Rescue! I vividly remember playing that with my older siblings, but our monitor was green and black, no color, so I’d never actually seen it before in color. But the music stuck with me and probably sparked my love for In the Hall of The Mountain King.
Also had Ernie’s magic shapes and colors… which was pretty hard to do when everything is green. What were my parents thinking buying a color matching game without a color monitor?
Combat on the Atari 2600. There are games I remember better, but I do know that was my favorite… just no one would play it with me.
The thing that sticks out in my mind right now is the steamed pizza buns (pizzaman) from 7-11 in Japan. That feels somewhat embarrassing to say because it’s just a convenience store snack… but I miss them constantly.
Probably not the worst I ever read, but whenever a question such as this comes up my mind immediately goes to one of the Tarot books by Piers Anthony. I don’t remember which one, it was just in a pile of books people left in a dorm one time and I had nothing to read. I finished it, but I can’t tell you anything about it other than the vague recollection that I hated it.