I’ve literally never heard a single person bring that idea up. Acting like it’s somehow a widely held belief because that dude said so is idiotic.
I’ve literally never heard a single person bring that idea up. Acting like it’s somehow a widely held belief because that dude said so is idiotic.
Straight up thought this was a kid
Yeah, I’m at that point now. Normally I don’t engage this heavily with obvious trolls, guess this is my quarterly reminder why I don’t.
Right? This dude can’t comprehend that he’s the problem here, not a writing challenge/competition. Reminds me of a saying “If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check your shoe”
Sure lil buddy, whatever you say. Have fun being an overly verbose, abrasive dickwad and thinking that it somehow makes you an intellectual, that’ll show people not to “catch attitude with you.”
On the off chance that you’re actually open to hearing any kind of criticism, sure:
That is the most pretentious way of saying “nuh-uh” I’ve read today. Feel free to continue your string of pseudo-intellectual, self-aggrandizing bullshit, but don’t expect me to clap for you.
You can sit around and be a pretentious dick all you want, or you can take this as an opportunity to welcome people to something that you enjoy. Clearly you’ve already decided to do the former.
Looking back, there were definite jumps between generations, but at the time it definitely felt gradual after xbox->360/PS2->PS3. The jump to Xbox/PS2 was incredible at the time
Man, it was really cool growing up with the evolution of graphics. Went from N64 to PS1, Xbox, and all the way through today. Every step of the way was awesome
Playing D&D with some people on Friday, then setting up my new Sawstop table saw. After that, building a miter saw station for some storage and more effective use of space in my shop. I doubt I’ll finish that, but then I need to finish restoring an old planer from sometime between 1935 and 1986 (got everything taken apart, cleaned up, painted, put back together, just need to rewire it) so I can sell my cheap one. If I manage to get all of that done, then I have some nightstands to build
Melatonin gives me some trippy ass dreams/night terrors
Hustle culture, sure. Side hustles, sure. The concept that a game company should pay me to play their game, nope.