our sensory capabilities are probably better than you think, and, among other things, that doesnt make any sense anyway. if they can tangibly interact with the world in any way, such as a human noticing them, knocking stuff off tables, showing up on videos… there is really no scenario where this logic works, and while toxicity isnt nice, the argument presented is wrong in humorous ways.
my friend, think this through. if they can move stuff off tables, if cameras can record them, if humans can see them, if they create chills… these are all measurable, tangible, things. if your explanation of ghosts requires that they be immaterial and incapable of affecting reality in any way, then that’s trivial and inane. We have ways to measure all of these things. these are all examples of measurements, in fact! positing we dont know the fundamental force that ghosts interact with so we cant measure it doesnt make sense. Literally, it is not cogent.