Yep my media server is better quality and I can share it with my friends
Yep my media server is better quality and I can share it with my friends
50000 people a year commit suicide in the USA and we don’t even get suicide nets
Nintendo lost my business long ago nothing they make or say will get me to buy another Nintendo product
I never turn it off it gets an occasional reset when updates need to be installed but that’s about it
I heard even after the extension he was only sucking on a pube
I have issues sleeping I have not slept past 4am in decades I don’t even use an alarm or anything I just wake up and can’t go back to bed
Not going to lie I would put that on my fireplace mantle
No way the first to shit themselves wins
I think he was half way gassed out not kneeling
Lewis for sure we can have competitions
If I was on the jury it would be a not guilty from me
Oh look another ubisuck game I won’t buy
I gave up trying to do the right thing now I just torrent everything and use Plex amp to steam to whatever it had worked fine for me
I live on a crappy golf course, our fees are $89 a month they don’t provide anything, we can’t have fences over 4ft the fence has to be see through, we can only choose certain colors to paint our houses we can’t store trash cans outside we got a notice for a single weed there is constantly people driving around taking pictures it freaking blows we are selling and the next place will have no HOA
They will probably take turns on his chinussy
Makes me glad I don’t buy Folgers
I think this says more about your teaching skills