They’re all bad, but Firefox is terrible about this. Twice already in January I’ve had to make new passwords to pay bills. I was in my car when i did it and now i have no idea what those new passwords are. I’m so sick of letters, numbers, and special characters! No one is out there attempting to guess my gas company login password - they’re buying it from someone who hacked the gas company.
Sitting in a rocking swivel patio chair while shaving the dog and I leaned forward to get his belly. The chair started to tip. I startled and i was able to stop it from tipping over, but then it felt like my back locked up and i couldn’t move. Husband helped me into the house and i missed several days of work. I did the exact same things three years in a row. I still have the chairs. Dog died and that’s likely the only reason it stopped after 3x.