Wake me up when September ends.
Wake me up when September ends.
After humanity will die because of catastrophes due to climat change, it will not matter, who is right… only who is left.
Fish sauce and sriracha
This is a bit self fulfilling, since saying that immediately makes you less attractive, because you express, that you thingk less of yourself, on the other hand it in creases your chances w/ the boiis, sins you seem funny.
Just remember to turn off you light, to preven external wave collision.
The problem about americans sayin “you could improve on humanitarism” is that they dont just say it, they are at your door step on the next day with guns and demand you to change, then they leave with your oil, leaving you in a worse humanitarian situation than before.
I live in germany, so I cant on sundays, 'cauze everything is closed.
Was propapbly an emberassed employee paying it out of his own pocket, just pretending his company would even care a tiny bit.
That might be true, but at least they don’t try to install a totalitarian government or split the society with hate.
I can’t read your hand writing.