I read about it yesterday morning and my school district sent out an email The same evening. I believe had it not been published they would have stayed quiet.
I read about it yesterday morning and my school district sent out an email The same evening. I believe had it not been published they would have stayed quiet.
It looks interesting and affordable enough to be a good time waster game. 🤷🏼♂️ I’ll give it a shake!
Mostly, but as others have said variations exist. Another caveat is that newer/shorter tanks may need to removed to access the nut to change the filler valve.
You sometimes have to be careful with corn… I picked up some cheap bird food with corn in it, the squirrels got into it and buried kernels all around the yard. My wife just about went crazy yanking corn sprouts out of our and the neighbors yard! 😄
Have you contacted your dentist to see if they will prescribe you something for pain? I had a wisdom tooth pulled yesterday (in the United States) and had the ability to request a pain medication if I needed it.
The handout I was given recommended 500 mg of acetaminophen then three hours later 600 mg of ibuprofen, repeating that throughout day. The last dose of the day (before bed?) taking both 500 mg of acetaminophen and 600 mg of ibuprofen and six hours later start alternating again. You can give this a try but, I am just describing what I was given.
I hope this helps, good luck, and feel better soon.
Word of warning. Novalgin (Dipyrone/metamizole) will completely fuck your white blood cells.
This is the way.
Yes, file size, drive types, the amount of RAM in the server, in the source and destination of the operation, can all have an effect on Performance. But generally if he’s moving within the same pool, it should be pretty quick.
I’m in central Ohio as well and had one installed when my coil died in my home a few years ago. It works fairly well down into about the low thirties, but beyond that the aux heat (gas, I kept my furnace) flips on.
There is a point where the temp dips low enough to render mine useless, but we have some at my office that work in the mid to low twenties(!)
It’s supposed to be tuned more toward heavy workflows, such as rendering and CAD. It has support for more RAM (6TB) and quad SMP along with ReFS, and SMB Direct.
I only found out about it because we needed a beastly set up for combining lidar and drone aerials in Autodesk.
True! T series or P series are much better made. I’d also advise heading over to Lenovo support site and checking the service manual for any machine you’re interested in, just to make sure that the features you may want to upgrade are upgradable.
I’ve noticed Lenovo doing a lot of SOC style systems ala Apple where your RAM is one and done. It’s mostly been on the thin/light segment but…
My biggest complaint has been the fact that they don’t put the USB C inputs on a daughter card. I don’t know what the cost savings is, but I literally had two machines that users had killed the USB on that spent close to 10 months waiting on parts for a warranty repair.
I wonder why they went with a version of Windows 11 Pro instead of Windows 11 Pro for workstations?
The NJ ripped (deep fried) ones are missing. Also the Carolina is misplaced. The slaw dog originated in WV.