And let’s all pour some out for Snoop Dog who called himself an Uncle Tom.
What is wrong with peace that its inspiration doesn’t endure, and this its story is hardly told ?
And let’s all pour some out for Snoop Dog who called himself an Uncle Tom.
Ronald Reagan happened to GenX.
yes we are now doing exactly what the meme at the top of the page is doing.
fyi: two spaces at the end of a line will format that correctly as a newline
Because sometimes one might actually need money for a necessity that breaks or is stolen or medical emergency.
Did COVID make everyone forget about the uncertainty of the future ?
I’ve Farquaad my network stack!
One doesn’t even get to focus on paying just for oneself.
One has to pay for Zuck/Bezos/Musk/Cook/Trump first.
I’m willing to forgo my happiness to snark at NAZIs.
Tipper Gore has still got it!
i am personally sick of shiny rectangles. physical keyboards are the buttons on your cars dash instead of the shiny rectangle on your car’s dash.
how to tell when someone has just had their 31st birthday
Many Spanish folks I have met roll their eyes when my Latin American Spanish skills rill my r’s.
“You always eat asparagus!”
I thought that was a joke. Not a joke.
Epiphany is the day that some believe that Jesus was circumcised.
Adultery used to be a criminal offense.
the first battle over authorial intent
trying to hold a cop accountable can be a very dangerous game with terrible outcomes.
that said if you are a woman and know a corrections officer often times they are willing to trade violence for sexual favors.
Just buy the two books “What They Teach You at Harvard Business School” & “What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School” and that should cover the entire fucking universe.
Where are all the people that said calling the MAGA people NAZIs was disregarding the history of “real NAZIs” ?
Where are all those MFers now ?