Sure. Can you play Baldur’s Gate 3 on it?
Sure. Can you play Baldur’s Gate 3 on it?
I’ve tripled my library since getting a deck and use it more often than my PC.
You can one for under $300 if you buy refurbished.
Seriously, is she single? Also, please don’t tell my wife that I asked.
I’ll be switching over soon and I was leaning towards Mint until I read up on Bazzite the other day. Fingers crossed that it goes well.
I don’t know her and I’m not a psychologist but that sounds an awful like she’s projecting. I’d bet it wasn’t the food she was angry with.
I have IBS and I do wish it on my worst enemies. Gimme that pink pill.
They’ll just take a page from the Trump playbook and start wearing diapers.
…I’m going to go eat some ham.
Liz Lemon, is that you?
I wish I couldn’t stand the smell. It’s been a few years now but I still get regular cravings.
I grew up in a house with smokers, picked it up as a teenager and smoked a pack a day for 20 years after that. Now I can smell someone lighting up 2 blocks away.
It’s kind of crazy. As time passed without smoking, I noticed many things smelled differently to me. For example, I was repulsed by the smell of cheddar cheese the first time I smelled it after quitting. I can’t put it into words properly but it smelled so different from what I was expecting that the thought of taking a bite made my stomach turn.
Asking for a friend?
As a chef with 22 years of experience hiring cooks, there is absolutely a distinction. I would have said fast food worker instead of “cook” because the quotes make it feel condescending, but I also do not count experience in fast food as relevant experience when reviewing resumes for a line or prep cook position.
We’re also misusing the word chef a lot in this conversation. Everyone working the line in a kitchen is not a chef. They are cooks. The chefs are the kitchen leadership. There is typically one executive chef and one or two sous chefs below them. I’m simplifying things a bit but that’s the most common structure you’ll find in non-chain/corpo kitchens.
They pay cooks less than $20/hour in a city with an average rent of $3000/month. I’ve got no problem passing judgement.
I live several thousand miles away from NYPD jurisdiction. What are they going to do, call me back to scold me?
Ah yes, the Nintendo method of preservation.
Slow cooked raw milk now 100% less raw.
How so? Is the price the only thing you think about when making a purchase?