Especially since 2 Americans with multiple generations of American ancestry can have drastically different historical experiences.
Especially since 2 Americans with multiple generations of American ancestry can have drastically different historical experiences.
Oftentimes (but not always), free stuff has a lower budget and lower amounts of effort put into it by fewer people. This often results in a worse product.
Why not legally cross? It’s not that hard to do so.
I think that joke started with Citra because 3DS model numbers started with “CTR”
Roast her back
No, it’s because there’s a lottery system that has been backlogged for decades. US immigration is such a bad process that skilled people go to Canada instead because the government there actually values those people.
Bro skilled people wanting to become US residents or citizens have to wait an absurd amount of time to even have a chance
You are mixing up the different values.
“Meanwhile, scattered reports of **MS Flight Sim 2020’**s bandwidth consumption point toward a more conservative ~100 Mb/s in densely populated photogrammetry areas, such as major cities. Usage in lighter areas could dip as low as 10 Mb/s, though the official Microsoft bandwidth recommendation for that game was 50 Mb/s.”
Flight Sim 2020 had a higher install size and lower bandwidth. Flight Sim 2024 has a lower install size and higher bandwidth requirement. Even if the sustained load isn’t using the maximum bandwidth, it still means that 2024 will use a significant amount of bandwidth such that it may affect customers with data caps.
That’s really good to know. I still think my statement stands true if you exclude cheese and wine, and it’s pretty easy to find vegetarian options for many common desserts.
As a vegetarian in the US, restaurants here have gotten way better about dietary restrictions over the years. Yes, some places still do mislead, but the vast majority usually ask you and the kitchen about ingredients and accommodate accordingly.
I didn’t know that Secret Service was mandatory for former US Presidents.
Windows is an option
Lobbying is a good concept corrupted by greed, as are many things in the US.
I should’ve said “anything math-heavy,” but even then, it seems like switching fields or applications of math requires understanding a new definition of the same symbols, and a lot of that could be avoided with words.
What OP is talking about is readability, so in a situation where you’re taking your own notes and have your own set of defined symbols, full words aren’t necessary.
I personally lost all interest in math because there are way too many opinionated or non-standard symbol definitions
Something being accessible usually means that the results have a lower low-end and higher high-end, no? In the context of music, it would mean that there are bigger heaps of trash with a few hidden gems
Kamala is a cooler name
I get your point now. I interpreted your comment as “he was born rich”. I also didn’t watch the exposé until after I wrote mine.
Just because it’s possible with a small sample of games doesn’t mean it’s possible for all or even most of them.
Also, even if a normal desktop can’t run a particular game server, there is almost always a way to get a computer that will.
Repos wouldn’t include the keys, but they’d include instructions on how to obtain them. Those instructions (according to Nintendo’s legal team) are enough to say that Yuzu violates the DMCA.