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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 24th, 2021


  • I think ignorance (in the non pejorative sense) plays a big part. I can’t really blame my non technical friends for not fully understanding that ditching Facebook for Instagram doesn’t help. Even if they know it’s the same company, it’s still a totally different product, right? There’s also a certain apathy or need to just get something done.

    I’m sure I’ve purchased things at Home Depot that would make a plumber cringe, but I know nothing about that sort of thing and I just need to get my sink working.

    Still, I think those of us who do know should continue to lead by example. My friends know my stance on these things and some of them are coming around.

  • That video!! Yeah, I don’t believe it either. Sort of reminds me of doing Kung Fu as a kid. We’d do public demonstrations and would sometimes ham it up a bit for the audience. I wonder if that’s what’s going on.

    Have you practiced push hands? There’s a neat effect I can only describe as sort of being able to bounce off the other person. You can get some decent air with it! I also wonder if there’s a bit of that going on with a lot of exaggeration.

  • I agree with you about the “weird stuff”. I teach Tai Chi and I’m very careful about the words I use, especially when it comes to describing mechanical forces. I’ll often mention that I don’t mean some notion of “life force” but rather the physical Newtonian force that your body is subject to while performing the movements.

    I find Tai Chi to be deceptively complicated with deep physical and psychological components. I have a hard time articulating what it is to others since it’s not really a martial art, and it’s not really meditation, and it’s not just a bunch of movements or calisthenics. But it does have very real effects and I love it!

    It sounds like your experience is quite similar to mine and I’m happy you found a good teacher and are enjoying the practice! 😀