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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 5th, 2024

  • Do you think that you would keep your integrity and use your money for the greater good, or that you would be corrupted by your power?

    I suppose it’s a matter of perspective. Very few people in the world ever see themselves as actually evil. Every villain is the hero in their own story.

    But if we recognize basic truths about people’s preferences, I think a greater good can be achieved. Everyone wants a place to call home and good food on the table. Everyone wants good health and to have a sense of purpose or meaning to their lives.

    This is universal, regardless of race, sex, gender, nationality, language (I can’t include religion as some religions demand the oppression & extermination of others).

  • Just to clarify, the US Democrat party isn’t a left wing party, it’s a right wing party. It hasn’t been left wing since Jimmy Carter. We have two right wing parties in the US which often comes as a shock to people who aren’t paying attention.

    Also, all of the economic problems you’re experiencing are because of capitalism, not communism.

    There’s only five countries in the world that are externally labeled as “communist,” and four of them are in Asia. All five don’t classify themselves as communist.

    The term is just a fear-triggering word to trick gullible people into blaming the problems of capitalism on an imaginary boogeyman.

  • It’s lonely being intelligent. Maybe I’m just in the wrong social circles.

    I like to read books at my construction job when we’re not busy. Yet none of my coworkers have read a book since early middle school, and they only skimmed it to half-ass a book report. I can’t talk to them about anything except work.

    I’ve never been beautiful my whole life. I’d give myself a 4 out of 10, a little less than average. I never really cared about my looks, I haven’t worn makeup in ages.

    I’d be interested in giving beauty a trial run, see if it suits me better than intelligence.

  • Right now the US is basically a two-party system with both parties bribbed by the same health insurance companies. The will of the people demands change, yet both parties refuse to implement change.

    Withholding your vote does nothing as it’s essentially a two-party system. Voting for one party or the other does nothing as they’re both paid off by the same health insurance companies.

    In desperate times when the government no longer represents the people, people turn to vigilantism to solve ongoing problems, as we saw with the killing of the CEO.

    It’s going to get a lot worse, there WILL be more killings.