You’d be surprised how much disease you can pack in a 90kg piece of cow
You’d be surprised how much disease you can pack in a 90kg piece of cow
You might be on to something. Poorly made booze likely contains lots of methanol. And chronic methanol feeding led to memory impairments (…) in mice
I personally prefer “Predacon”
The one with the blue new age brain pics
They call those roads.
So, being a shitty athlete might actually literally be the problem?
Before that, every place had these massive brown glass ashtrays.
The manga also makes very little sense, but yeah
I use the pictured water app. It let’s you set how much you want, optionally pings you every so many minutes, and allows for custom settings. It works pretty well for me.
The listeria gives it that special kick!
I don’t care about my corpse after I’m dead, but I do somewhat disagree with getting killed.
Good idea!
I’ve heard this is basically the same reason why autocad will never move away from their fucking terrible UI. Too many people have spent too many hours getting really good at using it, and the investment cliff is too big now.
Did the Proud Boys not understand
Between Anonymous, Occupy, and proud boys all using the same mask, the only shared symbolism for the Guy Fawkes mask is really “resistance” of some kind. Which is so broad, it’s hard to call it a symbol at all.
Charcoal isn’t as bad as wood, it creates less smoke and the most complex chemicals are already gone. Gas is better, since it burns much cleaner, and electric obviously doesn’t create any gasses at all.
On the other hand, grilling and smoking red meat means dripping fat, which means smoke, meaning you create a whole new set of PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), which you breathe in and get stuck to the meat and those are carcinogens. On top of that, red meat is already not too great for you. Eating burned food (charring) is also really unhealthy.
But assuming you don’t spend every day breathing mostly bbq-smoke and gasses, I wouldn’t worry about this too much. If your main diet is home grilled beef over self-made charcoal, you definitely need to reevaluate your lifestyle choices though.
I work in hazardous materials handling and safety, and I studied chemistry. I’ve done a lot of soil remediation and I’m pretty up to date on how we (Europeans) handle the safety of our air, food and water.
So, good news: your air hasn’t been cleaner since basically we started burning coal. Your drinking water hasn’t been this safe since, oh, pre-agrarian times. Your food is probably less nutritious per gram thanks to faster growing food, but your diet is (potentially) better than any human has ever had (depending on your personal choices).
That said, there are some things I avoid like the plague:
Swimming in open water. It’s (potentially) full of parasites, toxic algae, human and cattle feces and chemical runoff. Probably not all at once, but still. YMMV if you don’t live near the sea, mountain streams are much cleaner then those at the river delta.
Home grown food from urban gardens. Your soil is probably completely untested, and the idea of “maybe I shouldn’t just pour chemical waste out of the window” is barely 4 decades old. And that’s counting the dubious quality of planter soil that is basically unregulated, and what people use as decoration. (Do NOT use wooden railroad ties or tires as planters for food). And of course what people use as pesticides isn’t exactly closely monitored either.
Drinking water from wells, springs etc. see all the above.
Ordering anything with wish/aliexpress that comes in contact with food. You know that stuff is completely unregulated, why the hell would you lick it? Nobody knows what it’s made of.
And there’s one thing I don’t avoid, but it’s super unhealthy: wood fires. Yeah, a hearth or a campfire is awesome, but the smoke is super fucking bad for you. The carcinogens are stronger and last longer than in cigarettes, and its a hell of a lot more of them. I lie to myself and say it’s worth it though, and that I don’t do it every day, and other bad excuses.
That my friend, is an early (roman) catapult. Kind of a transitional siege engine between a giant crossbow and a torsion catapult