I heard of how nice Canadians are, but where I live, all the Canadians I met so far are a bit of douche. Maybe it is just coincidence on my part, or the nice ones stay in their country.
I heard of how nice Canadians are, but where I live, all the Canadians I met so far are a bit of douche. Maybe it is just coincidence on my part, or the nice ones stay in their country.
President Muskrate is an accelerationist; who believes that societal collapse should come sooner rather than later. Some speculate that his plan is to capitalise on burgeoning AI along with the billionaire class to control people once the dust settles.
You would get unsolicited advise for just about anywhere, not just job advise.
My parents thought having a degree alone will land you a job. By the time I graduated, the paradigm had shifted and interviewers are asking if I had any previous work experience to prove that I have good work ethic. Problem is, growing up, my parents never allowed me to work so I never had anything to show for. Even after graduation, they advised me against getting any jobs “underneath” me. It took awhile before I went against my parents advise and finally getting a job related to my degree. The trails of bad advise did not even stop at job-seeking but that will be another long story.
In any case, I realised that my parents are a bunch of insecure nouveau riche (they grew up poor and I can sense they have hint of elitism now that they moved up the socioeconomic ladder) who did not set me up for life well. I told myself I won’t listen to them and rail against them giving me any more advise. I think they realised their mistakes a bit too late now.
Edit: a word
The pandemic had been a bane to my personal life. But on the one hand, it forced me to stay with my folks for a little while and it proved to be smart in hindsight because I made huge savings before finally moving out of home.
It is only going to get worse kiddo, if you think 5 years is a long time ago.
A millenial
On both occasions, more like I need to go to gym.
There are sacrifices, but I don’t feel like I’ve given up my life.
Yeah, I think one has to think about carefully first before having kids, and be prepared what they have to sacrifice. Raising a child is not easy.
I think what this post is portraying is regret that they haven’t expected on what sacrifices they have to make to take care of a child. A lot of people want to get married and/or have kids just for the sake of it, because that is what society expect them to do.
Can you fix my boiler?
At the senior level its so important to get a candidate that actually knows what they claim because the consequences of finding out they don’t on the job are too great. This is where we reach into our networks so that any candidate comes with word-of-mouth recommendation from someone we trust.
I never thought about this but yes, this is why networking is super important. It is said that about 91% of hirings are through network. And speaking from practical experience, I can corroborate that most of my jobs had been from connections. I distinctly remember my first proper job in my field, and it was through happenstance bumping into an old friend who recommended me to apply for a role in his previous company. I think I would not have gotten that job which served as a great foundation for my career, had I not met him and did not mention to recruiters about him.
There is a difference between loving your work and being workaholic then getting paid peanuts for it; and then the boss expects others to do the same. There is a reason that employees hate over-achievers. I have been in places where we get like you. But at the end, you are not pleasing yourself, it is those at the top who will earn more than you ever will in your lifetime whom you are pleasing.
PEAK fucking lemmy. Jesus, you even angled in “the right”. Very good, except you didn’t put “capitalism” in there. B+
Fair enough. The far-left communists are also obsessed with work.
In addition, retiring exactly at age 62 increases the odds of dying by 23 percent relative to men retiring at age 63 and by 24 percent relative to men retiring at age 64.
Maybe because those who worked really hard in their younger years retire early, but it took more toll on their bodies than if they work more steadily. But what is the point of money if your body is too weak to enjoy the pension, and much of it goes to your healthcare, instead of enjoying a Caribbean cruise or a trip to see the Pyramids? I lost count on my fingers how many times I have read about and talked to elderly regretting that they worked excessively in their younger days. The physical injuries they received when they were younger act up again as their body could no longer hold up like before. On a more personal note, they regret not having spent more time doing other things like travelling or taking up hobbies when they were more able. I don’t know about you, but missing out a lot in life and regretting on my deathbed as an old person is a fate worse than death, and I have had near death experience before.
Unfortunately, there are still many of those who love working and don’t mind working long hours anyway. Some of them use work to forget their personal problems, some derive a sense of purpose-- the latter of whom are brainwashed by the right to love work. Kudos to those who work excessive hours, but the problem is that the owner-class wants the rest of us to follow suit and they don’t care if we would rather spend time on our hobbies or families outside of work.
In Batman Year Zero, his very first act was confronting the rich. And in The Dark Knight Returns, he simply talked to a corrupt general, and said general resigned in an unusual yet honest way afterwards, shall we say.
That’s literally the meaning of meme or memetic; ideas are passed on like a virus. I know it’s annoying to repost memes but that is the circle of memes xD
Elon is the new Henry Ford. But I’m afraid we have no modern day Roosevelts to smack him down.
Huh? That’s not exclusively American. Democratic countries have them.
World government advocates would want a democray with a strong constitution that ensures checks and balance, and a federal system.
I miss this kind of artwork style and design for posters of children’s movies. The colourful and detailed imagery is really inviting and tells you that you’re in it for something magical. I have no problem with posters these days, but today’s counterparts pare minimalist and less uninviting if I’m a child.
This is why the far-right is on the rise because of stupid takes like this.