The S and the E are inefficient as the man in the middle has a good chance to survive. This, however, might be overlooked because of the diagonal man in the N having a 50/50 chance of either his head or his ankles being driven over.
molotov-ribbentrop trump-putin pact
Those are to hold on to your victim more tightly
How retarded do you have to be to have the fractions written out on the entire measure
Lol you knob, go do something about your politics instead of “warning smug Europeans” on a obscure forum
Masturbate while watching you
Traffic jams are caused by speedcameras because those who are speeding hit the fucking break paddle as hard as i want to slap you for saying bullshit
Oranges all year round. A heated house, lit after dark. Spices.
(It’s a “three” word)
fuck off Yanks, stop making every post about you
Piss the fuck off you yanks
3 star meme
Panel with dildo slapping would make it 5/7
It doesn’t have to do with civilisation, but with group compassion. In fact, civilizations tend to care less if somebody starves to death on the streets because their eyes are not performing well enough to earn money…
vast majority
Only if you are an exceptionalist usian. Liberals are not the left in most parliaments around the world.
Murmaider 🎶