interns be interning
interns be interning
interns gonna intern
and you won’t get better if you use ai for it
Ruby and calling bash like this
`cat a.txt`
0, after reading the comments I realised you do not want my answer, since I live in the EU
unholy sentence out of context (1st of second paragraph)
good for you and yeah I should have written “you would have lost”
imo you lost nothing, that game is hot garbage
That’s how you do spoiler tag
Your spoiler tag doesn’t work
well, you won’t get better using chatgpt for it
you would be allowed to giggle even if people got hurt
Oh yea, I posted the meme to the wrong community
A world of difference
It’s not even a matter of research. The whole question is demented. It’s like asking what is the best pizza cutter to write with.
these seem like the only good reasons