That’s the thing … looks like he’ll win the populist vote… You’re not “taking your country back” this is your country…
That’s the thing … looks like he’ll win the populist vote… You’re not “taking your country back” this is your country…
Racism less important, immigration more important… that’s interesting…
If that’s the case, that’s understandable. It’s always going to be a game of cat and mouse, so Id expect it’s quite an expensive market to break in to.
Which vpn have you found to work in china? Nord used to but doesn’t any more
Excellent, thank you.
I’ve been considering switching to Linux, but did you say Firefox takes 30 seconds to start? Is that standard? Edit: what a strange bunch you are to downvote a random question.
The British museum was set up to preserve artifacts which would have been looted or destroyed,
This is fairly disingenuous. If the sole purpose was to preserve artifacts, then they would be happy to return said artifacts to original owners once shown they can appropriately store and maintain them. That is clearly not the case. I think your definition of “legally purchased” may be a little creative. Sure they may have paid money through a trader… but there definitely was not due diligence, it’s basically an old cash converters.
Working as a nurse I’d imagine you’d have governance documents or procedure documents written by your organization. Just use those to reference back to, that should cover a semi-decent portion of your nursing role. Id imagine most nurses would cool their jets at that 8-10 month mark for routine care and then when you’ve got new grads they’ll have someone else to focus on?
My only take on this is, the more frequent you change between tasks, the less efficient you become. I obviously don’t know what your job entails, but potentially if you can reduce the switching between projects, that may help efficiency and concentration?