I laid out what an effective boycott looks like with a specific recent example that accomplished what it set out to do. I’m not sure how much more constructive I can be. What would you consider to be constructive if not that?
I laid out what an effective boycott looks like with a specific recent example that accomplished what it set out to do. I’m not sure how much more constructive I can be. What would you consider to be constructive if not that?
I’m sure this one day boycott will be just as effective as the others were.
If you want results you need to put in time and have a target. Conservatives didn’t boycott beer, they boycotted Bud Light. They didn’t do it for a day, they did it until Bud Light gave up. Say what you will about the “why” of it, but it was effective.
Vocally theres gonna be cracks as it deepens. It sucks, nothing to be done.
There will be at least one wet dream if not more, Hydrogen peroxide soak, then wash with OxiClean should rock those stains as both are recommended for ‘protein’. Wash cold.
Erections at random times will 100% happen. It’s expected.
Acne will happen, body is a wreck of hormones. Use a new pillowcase nightly, do skincare, should largely be fine. If it gets wild prescription stuff might be needed.
Thats all the big puberty stuff really, short of whether the quarterback or head cheerleader makes his pp into the big pp but thats a whole other discussion.
Seek psychiatric help. Sooner rather than later.
Next step down the line is friend group. If the homeys all say he smells like ass he’ll likely fall in line: The power of peer pressure. Of course if they also have fallen for whatever dudebro podcast dipshit logic kiddo has fallen for, then your next step is respected adult- Preacher/Teacher/Whatever other Male Role Model. It’s important that the respected adult be male since kiddo thinks its a manliness thing.
You could also have the conversation of what kiddo thinks manliness actually entails and who embodies it, because that will likely also tell you a lot of things. If he’s idolizing Andrew Tate, for example, then hoo boy, you’re in for a time.
Decent? Nah. Better? Maybe in the sense that if I had to have one hand hit with a hammer I’d rather it be non-dominant one.
While the cause of many woes in our real society might be capitalism, in comic book Gotham its
Like don’t get me wrong… I’m sure socialized housing and the like would help but grand scheme of things? Cities kinda fucked in a way that is far beyond conventional solutions, without a real way to unfuck it.
Also, for your amusement- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarky
My conjectures:
Musk: Trans kid who disowned him for being shitty so obvipusly it must be trans peoples fault and not his.
JKR: I firmly believe she’s selfhating in the closet trans. The equivalent to the homophobic pastor who eventually gets caught with the choir boy. We just haven’t seen the choirboy yet.
Zuck: Not transphobic, just a sociopath (at worst) who will go whatever way the wind blows.
I think the better question might be what series should you start from game 1, brcause thats a much tougher question. Just about all the long running ones you can hop in wherever and be fine. Where you wanna start with Mario? Don’t matter. Whats the play for Final Fantasy? Probably whatever the recommenders first one was. Megaman? X, 0, or basic its nbd.
Yakuza is one I’d say you either start from the beginning (Technically Kiwami, but 0 is fine) or start at Like a Dragon (7, as it has a new protagonist)
I want shit that leaves a record so when someone pulls a “I didn’t say red”, I can pull out the text or DM or whatever, and say, “So when you said red here was it that special red that’s actually blue?”
Bet he doesn’t even have a cane or a wild hat either. Another victim of modernism. Sad.
Companies can have shares in multiple ways. For example, voting and non-voting.
Alternately, a company can have shares that get more votes then others, so the owner of a company could, say, have 10% of shares, but those shares have 10x voting power. Thats how the WWE used to be before it was bought out.
My insane ass posting that screencap to the family group chat
There’s no Infiniminer 2 for him to crib ideas from though so hows that gonna work
Rapidly getting into the “overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists” levels of captcha
Been watching and waiting for Hollow Knight 2 for entirely too long, but I’d rather have a polished but delayed game then a crap rushed one.
more liquor for me
deleted by creator
Gonna cost boring dickheads and pornbots even more to be skipped over by everyone in a comment section of a tweet. Good, let them be parted with their money.
They called Obama the Deporter in Chief. Trump wishes he could get a nickname like that. Carter himself was a nice guy but his below average presidency led to Reagan.