I use the linuxserver images for Nextcloud. Have worked pretty well for me over the past few years.
I use the linuxserver images for Nextcloud. Have worked pretty well for me over the past few years.
I find it commendable that you wrote code so horrible other libraries started throwing more errors wondering what the hell you were doing.
Sorry, it was, just not for exploring all of those instances at once. Should have called out the tiling function. Screen also built in a serial terminal emulator and started playing with a few other things.
Executing a command, capturing all terminal formatting and escape codes so I can do some light manipulation on leading whitespace before dumping it back to the terminal.
Tmux was purpose built for terminal multiplexing. You can assign session names for organizing and manipulating multiple instances. Send keys to and read output from detached sessions. It’s easy to script.
People always sleep on script
. It’s badass and let’s you do goofy things like this while keeping standard terminal formatting: https://github.com/StaticRocket/dotfiles/blob/043e9a56cc9515060188ec4642e4048c0dd6c000/dot_bashrc#L79-L94
I’d recommend tmux
for that particular use. Screen has a lot of extras that are interesting but don’t really follow the GNU mentality of “do one thing and do it well.”
+1 to caddy. There are some services that set safe headers following the recommendations outlined by Mozilla but others don’t control headers as strictly. Caddy is the only web server that I found that supports loose default header values. These values will be selected unless the upstream application specifies their own values.
You can do something similar in nginx but it requires playing with maps and has a little more indirection than I’d like.
Just wish caddy was capable of starting as root and stepping down permissions like Nginx. I have certs being managed by other tools and have to make sure they are installed and chowned for caddy’s use when they are cycled.
Yeah, that thing is honestly impressive. If I didn’t already have a full network manager wg setup I’d just use that.
Reformatting that compose for people:
version: "2.1" services:
image: linuxserver/wireguard
container_name: wireguard
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=Asia/Singapore
- SERVERURL=auto #optional
- SERVERPORT=51820 #optional
- PEERS=1 #optional
- PEERDNS=auto #optional
- INTERNAL_SUBNET= #optional
- ./config:/config
- /lib/modules:/lib/modules
- 51820:51820/udp
- net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
- net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
restart: unless-stopped
Sounds like you didn’t read the extended manual: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-wireguard
There are a lot of other configs for that container that must be provided before startup. It’s just a generic runner. If you want it to run as a server you need to follow this section: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-wireguard?tab=readme-ov-file#server-mode
Are you at getting the handshake in the app? If so, you’re probably just missing the dispatch commands for traffic masquerading.
Well, I won’t lie. It’s difficult.
Ideally you’d know this person and interact with them somewhat regularly. If it’s online or this person believes they can ignore you without consequence then it won’t matter how you address them beyond that initial interaction.
Don’t use that as an excuse to feed into their believes though. There’s a chance someone they know is already trying to coax them back to reality. If anything in that interaction makes them feel justified, it’ll take 20x the effort to undo the mental hoops they’ll jump through to rationalize the rest of their feelings.
It sucks. It’s not fair to those impacted, but this is the only way to stop this radicalization and hardheadedness that plagues people nowadays.
Dude, that doesn’t help either
I have to do it all the time. I was born and raised in the south by (relatively) liberal parents. I recognize that some of my neighbors my not be up to the standards of the rest of the country, but (I can’t believe I have to say this out loud) we shouldn’t ostracize a geographic region of people because of social issues.
Social reform isn’t achieved by running up to someone and saying “You’re an uninformed idiot from a flyover state and what you believe is incorrect.” It’s achieved by saying, “I know you don’t really mean that” when someone says some weird shit and calling them out in a more neutral environment. Unfortunately you have to convince people to be better. It’s too easy to just close yourself off and decline into your own beliefs.
Man, saying things like this just further the divide without providing meaningful contributions to any of the current conversations.
Eaton is your best bet for compatibility in the consumer market.
Pipe your clipboard contents through either of those depending on your windowing system. I’d recommend putting that in a script and binding it to a keyboard shortcut.
People out here complaining about Gentoo. My brother in Christ, you built the operating system.
Llvmpipe is enabled in mesa at compilation time and actually modifies the swrast_*.so the last time I checked. Not runtime configurable. Also, I know at one point it had issues running on 32 bit machines. Not sure if that’s still the case.
Just add a new user
I’m the same way. Honestly I just like the built in terminal emulator for those few times I forget to open tmux first. Not a fan of the lua integration. Makes the initial startup slower for my config.