That‘s a German supermarket, so eggs are actually affordable there.
That‘s a German supermarket, so eggs are actually affordable there.
Even if its only 1 in 1000 that bites, its worth it for them. Average wage in many of the countries these scammers come from is probably like 50-200 euros, so getting someone to transfer you their savings can give you enough money to live from for years. Obviously, most of that money goes to the person operating the scam.
Yes, its mostly older people that are alone that fall for this type of scam.
My sister-in-law works for a bank and she had a 70yo customer that sent multiple thousands of euros to a guy she has never met. They told her its a scam, but she insisted to send the money anyways. Her family had to watch her sending away all of her life savings.
Creating a fake relationship and then extracting money from people for example by getting them to invest money into fake crypto trading places.
Damn, I‘m happy that this isn‘t common practice in Germany.
Looks like the average reddit mod.
In theory, you could install Plesk, cpanel or anything similiar to easily manage emails on a VPS, but this comes with all the administrative tasks of keeping your server up to date.
Same with web.de/GMX in Germany. I never quite understood why people are willing to pay so much money for email subscriptions when they can get whole webhosting packages for half the price. For some its probably lazyness and for others its the lack of knowledge that webhosting includes emailsy
It’s literally a 1:1 translation of Flamethrower.
There are much better examples for long German words beeing short in English like
Toy = Spielzeug (Play Stuff)
Mall = Einkaufszentrum (Shopping Centre)
Sale = Schlussverkauf (End sale)
Matchbox = Streichholzschachtel (Swipe wood box)
Lighter = Feuerzeug (Fire Creator)
The departure from nuclear energy was driven by the coalition of CDU and SPD back when Fukushima happened, and now the CDU is trying to blame the greens for it. Sadly, its successful bexauye people are stupid and have the memory of goldfish.
Left: Mental Illness
Right: Mental Illinois
Even worse when they post „Found a solution“ and close the thread.
She will tell helluva story to her grandkids
Republican argument methodology 101
They shouldn‘t have added it to GamePass on launch day but wait a few weeks or even months to stretch out the server load.
I bet there are tons of causal and first time players that are already subscribed to gamepass that wanted to try out MSFS24 just because they have access to it. Now those people are pissed off even though they would have waited longer to get a better experience.
Hope you grounded your hardware to the wood.
My main server cabinet at my parents house. I have one old Synology for backups, one home built Xpenology for streaming and one small server with old gaming hardware for steam link, but its barely running anymore. Theres one HP server with 2x Xeon E5 and 128GB missing in the photo that I got for 100€ at an auction, which I use for occasional game server hosting.
At home I have this setup, my main synology NAS and a thinkcentre with an i7 and 16GB of ram for Minecraft and FiveM.
Those were the basic entry level configurations needed to run Windows Vista with Aero effects.
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