Truly rich people just want you to be interesting. The nouveau riche, or wanna bes, are obsessed with crap like designer labels and cookie cutter luxury brands.
Truly rich people just want you to be interesting. The nouveau riche, or wanna bes, are obsessed with crap like designer labels and cookie cutter luxury brands.
This is the perfect time to dress fancy on the way in while smuggling in a bag of clothes. Change in the bathroom then come out in overalls, a dirty trucker cap, a “Marlboro Cigarettes” t shirt and workboots. “Too upscale?”
I had a car with a parking light switch hidden on top of the steering wheel column. It was blocked from view by the wheel and the angle of the column. I hit it by accident while cleaning my car and didn’t see the parking lights were now on in the glare of the sun. I came out to a dead battery the next day. Why they felt the need to include a switch for just the parking lights and make it independent of the ignition is beyond me.
Move the seat back
One of the things I hated about reddit was how they would slip sponsored ads in made to look like user posts as closely as possible. Of course they made it impossible to block them.
Even the human mods won’t tell you what rule you broke.
Here it feels like you have to really make an effort to get banned. Mods mainly stick to deleting rule breaking comments.
It definitely stinks of automated moderation. At this point when I feel the urge to participate I remember how poorly managed it is and the low quality of most of the subreddits so the urge passes.
So much for being a forum for open discussion. I guess we should stick to memes and shitty puns.
I got banned from a bunch of subreddits because I left a critical comment on an anti-vaxx subreddit. The lazy mods all used bots to automagically ban any username in the comments. So even though I was critical of them I was banned for having the temerity of showing up in it.
Contact user support…oh right there is none
$1.50 in real “guld”
They were making these weird Trump coins during the Biden admin.
He is full of shit?
False idol worship so it is fitting
Gold on the outside, hollow inside
You can block communities and individual users. Extremists and ranters get blocked. News communities are magnets for them.
Wait, you can post links to pornhub? lol
Write lots of scathing comments online