Damn this is a great, extensive list! Thanks for your effort
Except they’re half plastic these days 🥺
Oh yeah Moca is solid!
Just as long as it’s not all going to a box outside or something
Just pop your ancient phone line/ cable outlet off the wall and fish a couple wires up/down the wall
Oh! Yeah a time or two I guess
Nah that’s the jet pump truck guys, we just replace them
That scene gives me fucking goosebumps and almost makes me cry tears of absolute rage. I get choked up watching it.
And yes it’s crazy how relevant almost every single thing he says is to this very day
Windows quantibulous
Oh a Caddyfile generator! Heck yeah!
Typing of the dead
Kodi ui is great! No different menu every single week with them Shoving ads down your throat and stuff. Every interface for every add-on looks exactly the same. Easy to find what you need.
Gosh FINALLY this is starting to make sense. Thanks for your effort!
Oh man once this hits it’s gonna be so awesome!
heck yeah! my buddies were making fun of me for trying to get an old BD rom to play nice with proxmox, and i have a stack of old bdr’s from 10 years ago lol
My experience so far
Kodi (LibreELEC) was running rough on an old i5 4160 or something, when installed on an SD card. It also runs a little sluggish when installed on a Chromebook.
But I went back to that first PC with a real SSD and now kodi is running fantastic. On a fedora kinoite install
And paired with some commands for KDE Connect, and I’m pretty satisfied so far. It’s been about four days with it.
holy shit
I would’ve flirted with you in my freshman year