It’s also really weird because discussing a topic like this is heavily impacted by where you come from. For exemple the discussion about nuclear energy cannot be the same in France, China, USA or Russia and I see almost everyone here talking the thing like the choice between Nuclear Energy or not (because it’s should never be about Nuclear Energy or Renewable Energy) was the same everywhere on the planet.
So here we are, a lot of people talking to themselves instead of talking with each other, hammering their idea on the topic without even once considering that others living in others places and living in others conditions will approach the subject differently (and than it should be normal and comprehensible)
Yeah, it’s say’s it was deleted by the creator, anyway that not what’s important here
You’ve stated :
The way your statement is worded imply this is a common occurrence when I’m fact it is usually the other way around, France supply a lot of energy to it’s neighbors
Yes in 2022 a year spectacularly weird for energy production everywhere in Europe thanks to the Ukrainian situation
But in 2023 France export more than import again Source : https://www.lemonde.fr/economie/article/2024/01/17/la-france-est-redevenue-premiere-exportatrice-d-electricite-en-europe-en-2023_6211385_3234.html
It’s not clear from your text than this was your original intention
No you did not say that, you said:
Inflation doesn’t appear in your text
Furthermore, even if you say that now, the capping of electricity prices are not only to combat inflation, but yes it is a reason, one other is to prevent private company to dictate the price of electricity, as an “essential” it’s important that every one in the country can afford electricity, it’s the same thing here for medication for exemple, state chose the price for almost every medicine you can buy in France
That’s can be an entire new discussion (that I will not engage here, because I’m, and I think you too, as almost everyone, have not all the keys to discuss it) but economists say’s a lot of things about this subject and forget that’s France is it’s own country and by that, have it’s own way of thinking about debt, for many french leftist economists (not all obviously), debt is a good thing for exemple and that impact the way we use and think gouvernement funding
If you’re interested I can link you to some resources on the question (albeit in french sorry)
PS: Sadly as I’m rereading my message, I’m realizing that the tone of it is harsher than I want it to be, buy I don’t have the time or the energy to rewrite it in a more tasteful maner, sorry again