How tf is a comment like this one which is basically on some ISIS-like kill everyone level beeing upvoted?
How tf is a comment like this one which is basically on some ISIS-like kill everyone level beeing upvoted?
Even in a world where everyone is vegetarian or even vegan (but remember that this wasn’t always the case), this is still a somewhat funny joke. I, e. g. don’t eat meat, but found it hilarious.
I’m a beautiful woman, most men would say “yes” to me
Maybe start with a bit more modesty idk
I wouldn’t even know where to get something like this. I only heard about this pumpkin spice thing on the internet
Same with Nemo
You’re forgetting all the free advertising when your cars show up in the news all the time /s
Damn that’s crazy. Thanks for the demo
95 definitely had those
Skin: Make it so I can endure the harshest of elements. Or be impenetrable.
Good look getting a vaccine
How were their prompts public?
Found the teacher
There are too many users on the right side though
Keyboard manufacturers requirering you to create an account to use your own fucking keyboard
I might be wrong but as far as I understand Google’s topics API only gives websites access to information like “here is a user who likes the topics IT and gardening”, which is a LOT less than what is possible with cookies. With cookies a website can get information like “here is a user who visited your website yesterday and two times last week. Also they recently visited websites A, B and C, and frequently visits website D. On website D they are logged in as X.” They make all your visits to a website and, with third-party cookies, also to other websites connectable. Google’s topics do not.
What? I’m really not into us politics and also it’s pretty clear that the two party system is shit, but I never got the feeling that the two parties are similar in any way?