I wouldn’t even want someone like that to get a fine from bylaw. They should get criminal charges for endangering everyone in that community.
People like that have no regard for human life.
I wouldn’t even want someone like that to get a fine from bylaw. They should get criminal charges for endangering everyone in that community.
People like that have no regard for human life.
I follow their news updates via RSS, so pretty much every day I’ll get an outright casino/gambling ad that looks like an article written to share some topic about the casino industry or whatever. I ignore them after rolling my eyes.
This was the first time I was reading, and re-reading, then laughing, then re-reading again… it truly is a spectacle!
This ad most certainly seems like AI word salad. Their actual news articles appear to be written by someone with a pulse. Maybe. 🤔
Just fired up Prime to see.
The movie is there, but you have to have the “Hollywood Suite” or rent/buy it to watch.
Paid subscriptions need additional paid subscriptions to work. 🫠
This is more than mildly infuriating, tbh.
It should be pretty simple: real news that affect people’s lives should always be free, since that’s a journalist’s duty to society.
Entertainment, sports, and the other stuff can be behind a paywall because people do pay for stuff like that. Plus, sensationalized stories about celebrities to get views would be far less damaging to society than sensationalized (often fake) stories about politicians to get the same views.
Seinfeld is a more “family friendly” option.
But Curb Your Enthusiasm can be put on an endless loop, and I’d still laugh my ass off at every episode.
According to the actual Aluminum Association, only 43% of aluminum cans shipped within the United States are recycled.
Not only that, but unless you can guarantee that a significant portion users will recycle those aluminum cans, they are significantly more energy intensive to manufacture compared to single use plastic bottles.
Time feels way faster as you get older.
It’s also pretty grim that the people you know are either dying, dead, or have a life altering illness that comes out of nowhere. I feel like there’s a funeral in my family once a month, rather than once every decade.
But glass is easy to sterilize at the point of purchase and refilled. There are “zero waste” stores that do something like this already, so there’s nothing to bring in other than bulk product (instead of 100 cans or bottles).
Doesn’t work everywhere in our current, high-profit, low-care business models.
I don’t disagree at all. I wish we had more options.
More glass with compatibility with mason jar lids would be a win for everyone. You can recycle 5them if you want, reuse them easily, and they can remain in circulation for a very long time.
The only caveat with glass is that you have too many idiots breaking them on sidewalks, bike lanes, and parks.
It’s not really the metal that’s bad, but the coating on the inside of the metal (in contact with your food/water), that raises concerns.
Glass is best, but food/water in glass containers are often considerably more expensive.
Just got the update. Good timing, because over the last week, I’ve had DOZENS upon DOZENS of IP addresses auto-blocked.
Before that, the last blocked IP address was like in September, so someone/something is probing.
I bought two “Eightree” brand Zigbee-compatible plugs to see how they fare.
Did you need a Zigbee hub to get them working? I was gifted an Eighttree Zigbee plug with energy monitoring, but it seems to require using a hardware hub :(
As long as individuals are allowed to hoard hundreds of billions (soon, trillions) of dollars that they couldn’t possibly use in 1000 years, then this will never end.
We need to cap personal wealth, and it needs to be a number so low that any one person can’t take over a country like Nazi Musk is doing at this very moment.
There is absolutely no reason why we have homeless people, people who can’t afford medication, kids who are hungry, and students who have to choose between education and a roof over their head.
These problems exist because there are literal trillionsof dollars being hoarded by a few people, when it should have been distributed to everyone who actually earned it.
For sure, if the need calls for it, that works well.
But looking for random things to install and maintain without an actual need creates so many issues.
100%. When it comes to self-hosting, or anything really, be a minimalist. For your sake, and for the sake of whoever might need to maintain things when you’ve leave this earth.
Made entirely of fool’s gold.
The only feature I want in FreshRSS is a way to DELETE entries. This is critically important if you’re using RSS feeds for something like Lemmy (or Reddit) where some very NSFW or illegal content gets through before it’s moderated out of the platform. I really don’t want to be archiving that shit!