Nonsense! It’s all about wanting to eat out people, sleep with them, people making you smile and secretly being in love with some of your friends!
Nonsense! It’s all about wanting to eat out people, sleep with them, people making you smile and secretly being in love with some of your friends!
Like taking off your shoes before entering someone’s home. Why bring street dirt into a living space? Common sense in many asian countries, non-existant sense in the netherlands.
Common sense is limited by the population size that shares the same way of thinking.
What’s common sense to one group, isn’t to the other. Common sense is people specific, not global.
It’s actually meant for flies. It’s a bathroom for men and flies. They had to make the sign this way because flies can’t read.
Kinda sad he was more concerned about his sex life than his wife’s health.
That’s evil…
You heard the god. Cover the heretical feminine nipples!
Sounds like Royalty alright!
I adopted a main coon called Charlie. The owner had two cats, but they didn’t get along.
He is a shadow. He will follow you around and always be near. He mrrps every time he sees you come near, even if you aren’t paying attention to him. If you make eye contact, he’ slow blinks.
He doesn’t sctratch or bite, only when playing with a sacrificed oven mitt. He is overweight, but loves to lay down on your legs.
He loves chin rubs and will lay his head into your palm for maximum contact.
He does however live for food also. And will always try to get some more by pleading. If you’ve never heard a main coon squeel, it sounds as though he is the saddest begger who hasn’t eaten in days.
Showing the butt side is a way they show trust and extraversion. She likes you so much, she shows you her bum.
She’s an adult, and a videogame character. You’re not actually her parent either. Just a player who experiences the game through a character.
Do you hate cats?
Had a cat who had tooth problems. She stopped hunting because of it. After treatment, she became so happy, I could hear her chirps outside from my room. The birds weren’t happy about it. Luckily, she became almost tooth and fangless, so I had been able to save the birds each time after.
Male cats are lazy as fuck, and don’t hunt. At least mine didn’t. But that one tortie was a menace…
Those suckers can run 40km/h along the forest bed. Hope for his sake he can swim too.
What kind of fetish is this?
Xitter sounds like shitter.
My GP called to mock and say she hadn’t called the crisis help for an appointment yet. Two weeks she let fly by. No doubt more if it wasn’t for a family member calling her.
You may shit and piss all over the NS, but once you’ve been abroad, you’ll accept those delays with grace.
I think it more about detail oriented thinking rather than the big picture.