I live on “St.” and have all of the contact info for the neighbors at “Pl.” It’s interesting how often we are in contact regarding mail, packages, food deliveries, etc.
I live on “St.” and have all of the contact info for the neighbors at “Pl.” It’s interesting how often we are in contact regarding mail, packages, food deliveries, etc.
Not necessarily, it seems.
I see it as he is making sure you know it is him doing the boasting, so he is giving both of his names as to leesen any confusion, ha ha
Jack is John technically. That is how the name Jack works usually.
Jack is John technically. That is how the name Jack works usually.
Jack is John technically. That is how the name Jack works usually.
But Moons Over My Hammy! /s
There’s a bar in my area that has the TouchTunes jukebox set up to be censored. I’m an adult at a fucking bar and I can’t listen to something with a swear word, ha ha.
I had a great-aunt named Olive whose husband’s name was Ham (short for Hamilton).
Always known as Ham and Olive.
Yeah, she’d have to kinda turn around and root down under the sheet until she could find the hole that had been cut out, and all of this without her glasses no doubt. Doesn’t make for memorable oral.
Gen-x’r here who doesn’t even have the phone app on my home screen.
Fuck phone calls!
Chairman, chairwoman, or chairperson?