Nah. Fearless Leader & Boris Badanov.
Nah. Fearless Leader & Boris Badanov.
I was a child who had been SA’d by an adult man. The adults around me told me to pray for forgiveness. I was 12.
Years later, I went to get a visitor’s pass to visit a friend at my old Christian school. They aggressively denied me entrance.
Yeah… don’t love the “women will be actively trying to ruin your life”–angle.
However, it’s a good idea to let him know that some potential partners will have bad/manipulative intentions, no matter the gender, and how to look out for that.
I made no mention of my kid’s orientation, so… make of that what you will. Lol
His point isn’t wrong
Women will baby-trap the living fuck out of young men. He NEEDS to know this.
The above sentence is the one I’m taking a stand against. The rest was fine up until that.
It absolutely happens, no doubt! Never disagreed with that!
But putting out such a general statement like “women will baby-trap you!” is such a broad statement. Statements like that are often used to stir up hostility and is a common tactic used in spaces that are anti-women.
Me saying “men will assault you!” would not be acceptable and would get me attacked and downvoted to hell. It’s astounding to me that statements like this about women are supported.
I’m more shocked at the amount of upvotes the comment has.
Women will baby-trap the living fuck out of young men. He NEEDS to know this.
Was with you until this line. C’mon now.
No no! I just get frustrated with myself for not always being able to provide proper resources for him.
I do appreciate the help! Thank you.
Might go low-tech and just stick my arm in with a flashlight or something.
The typical conservative has a black-and-white view of sex and gender norms. “A man provides for his household and a women cares for the children”–type of thing, with very unhealthy views on sex, sexuality, and gendered expectations.
Hell, I was told that it was my “purpose” to one day marry, have children, and dote on my husband’s every whim, and that, as a woman, it should be my desire.
Another big thing is healthy boundaries, consent, and other things. Many believe in “the chase”, how women need to “submit to their husband”, slut-shaming, the “”“proper manly emotions”“” (hint: the only acceptable emotion is anger!), and those are just a few issues.
It’s not healthy, and I’m not going to risk someone teaching that kind of thing to my kid.
EDIT: Downvote this if you want, but I was raised in a conservative town by a conservative family with conservative values and hung out in conservative spaces that left me scarred and traumatized. Sorry if it hurts your feelings knowing that a majority of conservatives beliefs are harmful and shitty! (:
Unfortunately, I do not have any close male friends, so I may need to address things myself.
I live in a conservative area and do not trust folks to educate him from those angles.
Absolutely. I respect his privacy.
Sometimes he wears headphones in his room and I do have to crack the door to have him respond. Is that okay?
I don’t like beer or most alcohol, so I have a drink maybe a few times per year.
One single alcohol is enough to get me tipsy, and we are similar in dimensions.
Have fun on your date!! (:
Right?? I don’t even break 300 weekly. ):
EDIT: Sorry, Errer! I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad. It it definitely a good deal, tbf! For those who can afford it.
My sister used to identify as bisexual. Now she identifies as pansexual. Why? She says she feels it more encompasses trans inclusion, as well.