It says you can’t have a race there, all lines are Finnish lines
It says you can’t have a race there, all lines are Finnish lines
Well y-wait a minute! You are not u/RimJobSteve!
Thanks now the stereoscope thing makes sense. I was freaking out thinking people were putting politics in medicine
To be honest, all that just seems like an incident blown out of proportion
As I see it, someone else is referring to this dude as papi, which is basically daddy but in Spanish, and then added a hashtag on Instagram that says “boricua”, which might as well be related to food as the guy is apparently a chef?
It never says he is cosplaying as a Puerto Rican. At least in the picture they post, nor it looks like it’s the intention.
Then there is a lot of people saying something about brown face or black face? What, can’t people be tanned? Or somehow do they think everyone from LATAM is brown or black?
How is that being dressed as a Puerto Rican?
You’d go to Venezuela or Colombia and see people dressed the same as well
Hell even Ecuador or Peru I think
Baseball is very popular in Latin and central America, is not unheard of that someone is fan of a baseball team from another country
I don’t see how being dressed with something resembling merchandise of a baseball team means you are Puerto Rican or dressed like one
And to go further, I believe it is EXTREMELY racist to think so.
But I like to have my laptop at hand
How do Puerto Ricans dress up?
How do you not have the money for cocaine man, it literally grows on trees
Yeah, it’s awesome 😎
Yeah. I see and experience this a lot from collectivists. It’s like they try to cover it under a thinly veiled hypocritical facade of “niceness” but still stinks like shit under it
I don’t have to go too far, just me mentioning that I am from Venezuela and that I know for a fact that the leftists destroyed my country, is enough for them to let go of that facade and go into a tirade of vindicative slurs.
Of course, I understand them. From thousand of kilometers away and armed with all of 15 minutes of a collectivist ideology pamphlet, they clearly know more about the struggles and history of the country I’ve lived all my life.
We in LATAM breath slurs and eat bullying for breakfast
Yep. Turns out progressives and racists shared segregation in common
What’s next, an individual’s racism identity is the most important thing and everything should be seen through the lens of race?
Nah fam only one of them is really, the other one is your standard racist disguised as a progressive
I am Latin American. We couldn’t even give an atomic sliver of a speck of fuck about gringos using part of our culture or the intention behind it.
If anything it’s enjoyable, one more for the family.
And if we get offended? Don’t worry. We don’t need anyone from a “dominant culture” to look down on us, thinking about saving us because we are oh so weak, or speak for us.
We can speak and do speak for ourselves.
Rodríguez cousin knew how to pack heat
Yeah and one of the reasons why we will never get again paper Mario references in other Mario games
It’s not. People use stuff from other places and call them different names all the time
Automatic sentient guns, that’s what kills people.
Oh and people who happen to use guns to kill others