Basically my thoughts are, if you give slight pushback to American talking points you get called a tankie. It’s kind of annoying.
Basically my thoughts are, if you give slight pushback to American talking points you get called a tankie. It’s kind of annoying.
It started from an American user on tik tok saying “we should go to a Chinese app like red book” it’s a meme that went wild
I’m also learning it’s not real dude we’ve been duped
Turns out my FBI agent and chinese agent are good friends. They play baseball
Shill=/= people you disagree with
This is breaking my brain… world news told me it was bad and told me what “experts” say about privacy.
I mean america has wage slavery. I just think the detail are just different
I wish I was as ignorant as you
Because our empire is dying
Boobs, because he loves looking down on us
The ceo killed more people than the shooter. So all murderers matter to you?
5 days to go 4 hours away?
Bulletholes are actually a preexisting condition. Claim denied.
Or someone who slightly disagrees with a republican
It’s gotten worse. I don’t bother eating any of it because I make better food at home.
He’s promised not to touch it. But this guy’s not gonna fix it either.
Facism is a reaction to the institutional failures of capitalism brought about by many scholars. Mainly brought about by the working class left behind looking for a change to the system.
Places in history where it happened
italy (1920’s) voters wanted a stronger economy with trains to run on time germany (1920’s) voters wanted a stronger economy without a destabilization of currency
The mechanism is the three branches of power providing checks and balances and voting. But when the people elect them to all three branches. It kinda defeats the purpose