Are reddit paying contributors, moderators or people creating posts¿? If no then how are they claiming that buying a golden upvote supports contributors
Are reddit paying contributors, moderators or people creating posts¿? If no then how are they claiming that buying a golden upvote supports contributors
No Xorg also ships with up to date distros like Debian, arch, Ubuntu, etc but several of them have switched to using Wayland by default. It is deprecated because it is no longer actively developed and only maintained by a small group of devs and even that because these devs work for companies like Red Hat, Oracle, etc who have a vested interest in fixing those bugs
So I am guessing that always on top works on the flatpak version because it is running through XWayland
What bling¿? I thought endeavorOS was very minimalist as well. Just arch with an easier installer
Thank you. Cool people like you are the reason why morons like me are able daily drive linux
Thanks for the correction. I will report the bug
Is it supposed to replace the with
? Because that is what it seemed like it should do from the code.
If this is the bug you are alluding to then i will report the bug or else please tell me what the bug you referring to so i can report the correct thing
Nevemind I figured it out. Was trying to give a new drive read write access for backups and the error stemmed from the fact the name had a ℅ in it.
Edit - It was the path to the folder not the drive with had %
With something like dash to dock or dash to panel, you get extra functionality while still retaining the stock workflow of gnome. I myself use near vanilla gnome with dash to dock, clipboard indicator and gsconnect. Out of those only dash to dock modifies the workflow but in a way that supplements the stock workflow.
They are usable but nowhere as good as gnome’s implementation. Fortunately this seems to be improving with plasma 6. One of the devs inspired by gnome has implemented gnome-like swipe gestures and a similar workspaces overview
This is Top tier sarcasm!
I’m not sure if mobile AMD users have to do the same
No we don’t. Mesa and the kernel automatically decide to use the dGPU for intensive tasks. It is only on rare ocassions that I have to use the DRI_PRIME=1 to force the use of the dGPU. It has been months since I last did it
go mental like Torvalds.
What! I missed Linus going crazy¿? When did this happen¿? Do you have any videos¿?
But if you need the help of his code and products, then you should begrudging acknowledge that he is not an idiot. If you truly believe that he is an idiot, you should find a solution to your problem without pulseaudio or systemd because if not you are just an hypocrite.
DId your Nvidia drivers update recently? If yes try the older Nvidia driver
I have got an old shit laptop and I don’t see this. Can you verify this using mangohud¿?
Just for future reference.
KDE NEON is a distribution maintained by the kde community so that you can enjoy the latest and greatest kde has to offer on an Ubuntu base.
KDE plasma is a Desktop Environment(DE). It controls the look of your desktop and to some degree how you interact with your computer. You can use kde plasma in almost any distribution. It is somewhat analogous to launchers in android with the caveat that DEs affect a lot of more of the system than launchers do in android.
It has been some time since I tried out Nobara so I might be wrong. I just remember that Nobara page lists having amf encoder support out of the box as a feature
What was wrong with the old logo¿?